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Update D2rSPLoader.ps1
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shupershuff authored Dec 8, 2024
1 parent 291ed3f commit 888007f
Showing 1 changed file with 87 additions and 45 deletions.
132 changes: 87 additions & 45 deletions D2rSPLoader.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ Changes since 1.0.0 (next version edits):
- Removed "multibox" from welcome banner.
- Fixed typo in config.xml
- Script now gets 'Saved Games' folder path from registry rather than assuming it's in 'C:\Users\Username\Saved Games'
- Error handling for missing files where user is using '-direct -txt' launch arguments.
- Fixed a few issues with mod handling for disable/enable videos.
1.0.0+ to do list
Couldn't write :) in release notes without it adding a new line, some minor issue with formatfunction regex
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,8 +52,6 @@ do {
$Script:X = [char]0x1b #escape character for ANSI text colors
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$Script:WorkingDirectory = ((Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot)[0].fullname).substring(0,((Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot)[0].fullname).lastindexof('\')) #Set Current Directory path.
$Script:CharacterSavePath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" -name "{4C5C32FF-BB9D-43B0-B5B4-2D72E54EAAA4}")."{4C5C32FF-BB9D-43B0-B5B4-2D72E54EAAA4}" #Get Saved Games folder from registry rather than assume it's in C:\Users\Username\Saved Games
$Script:SettingsProfilePath = $Script:CharacterSavePath
$Script:StartTime = Get-Date #Used for elapsed time. Is reset when script refreshes.
$Script:LastBackup = $Script:StartTime.addminutes(-60)
$Script:MOO = "%%%"
Expand All @@ -66,6 +66,14 @@ $Script:AllowedKeyList += @(96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105) #0 to 9 on nump
$Script:AllowedKeyList += @(65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90) # A to Z
$Script:MenuOptions = @(65,66,67,68,71,73,74,79,82,83,84,88) #a, b, c, d, g, i, j, o, r, s, t and x. Used to detect singular valid entries where script can have two characters entered.
$EnterKey = 13
try {
$Script:WindowsSavedGameLocation = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" -name "{4C5C32FF-BB9D-43B0-B5B4-2D72E54EAAA4}")."{4C5C32FF-BB9D-43B0-B5B4-2D72E54EAAA4}" + "\Diablo II Resurrected\" #Get Saved Games folder from registry rather than assume it's in C:\Users\Username\Saved Games
Catch {
$Script:WindowsSavedGameLocation = ("C:\Users\" + $Env:UserName + "\Saved Games\Diablo II Resurrected\")
$Script:CharacterSavePath = $Script:WindowsSavedGameLocation
$Script:SettingsProfilePath = $Script:WindowsSavedGameLocation
Function RemoveMaximiseButton { # I'm removing the maximise button on the script as sometimes I misclick maximise instead of minimise and it annoys me. Copied this straight out of ChatGPT lol.
Add-Type @"
using System;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -690,16 +698,16 @@ Function DisableVideos {
if ($ShouldUpdate -eq "y"){
if (-not (Test-Path "$ModPath\act2")){
Write-Debug " Creating folders required for disabling D2r videos..."
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ModPath -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ModPath\act2" -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ModPath\act3" -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ModPath\act4" -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ModPath\act5" -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ModPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ModPath\act2" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ModPath\act3" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ModPath\act4" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ModPath\act5" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Write-Debug " Created folder: $ModPath"
start-sleep -milliseconds 213
start-sleep -milliseconds 123
foreach ($File in $VideoFiles){
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$ModPath\$File" | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$ModPath\$File" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Write-Debug " Created dummy D2r videos."
start-sleep -milliseconds 222
Expand All @@ -709,20 +717,44 @@ Function DisableVideos {
start-sleep -milliseconds 256
else {# If blizzardlogos.webm does exist, lets confirm that all videos are indeed 0 bytes and if not, make it so.
foreach ($File in $VideoFiles){
try {
if ((Get-Item "$ModPath\$File" -ErrorAction Stop).Length -gt 0){
$FileName = $File -replace "^[^\\]+\\", "" #remove "act2\" from string if needed.
Rename-Item -Path "$ModPath\$File" -NewName "$FileName.backup" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$ModPath\$File" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Catch {
Write-Debug " Creating folders required for disabling D2r videos..."
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ModPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ModPath\act2" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ModPath\act3" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ModPath\act4" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ModPath\act5" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Write-Debug " Created folder: $ModPath"
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$ModPath\$File" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
write-host "derp $file"
elseif ($Config.CustomLaunchArguments -match "-direct -txt"){ #if user has extracted files.
foreach ($File in $VideoFiles){
if ((Get-Item "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File").Length -gt 0){ #check if file is larger than 0 bytes and if so backup original file and replace with 0 byte file.
$FileName = $File -replace "^[^\\]+\\", "" #remove "act2\" from string if needed.
try { #try renaming file. If it can't be renamed, it must already exist, therefore delete the video file.
Rename-Item -Path "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File" -NewName "$FileName.backup" -erroraction stop | Out-Null
Catch {
Remove-Item -Path "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File"
if (Test-Path "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File"){
if ((Get-Item "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File").Length -gt 0){ #check if file is larger than 0 bytes and if so backup original file and replace with 0 byte file.
$FileName = $File -replace "^[^\\]+\\", "" #remove "act2\" from string if needed.
try { #try renaming file. If it can't be renamed, it must already exist, therefore delete the video file.
Rename-Item -Path "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File" -NewName "$FileName.backup" -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
Catch {
Remove-Item -Path "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File" | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File" | Out-Null
else { #if user has not extracted files, launch with mod
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -756,16 +788,18 @@ Function DisableVideos {
$Script:StartWithDisableVideosMod = $False
if ($Config.CustomLaunchArguments -match "-direct -txt"){ #if user has extracted files.
foreach ($File in $VideoFiles){
if ((Get-Item "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File").Length -eq 0){ #check if file is l0 bytes and if so remove 0 byte file and restore original file.
$FileName = $File -replace "^[^\\]+\\", "" #remove "act2\" from string if needed.
Remove-Item -Path "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File"
write-debug "removed $($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File"
Rename-Item -Path "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File.backup" -NewName "$FileName" -erroraction stop | Out-Null
write-debug "renamed $($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File.backup"
if (Test-Path "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File"){
if ((Get-Item "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File" -ErrorAction Stop).Length -eq 0){ #check if file is l0 bytes and if so remove 0 byte file and restore original file.
$FileName = $File -replace "^[^\\]+\\", "" #remove "act2\" from string if needed.
Remove-Item -Path "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File"
write-debug "removed $($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File"
Rename-Item -Path "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File.backup" -NewName "$FileName" -erroraction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null #attempt to retrieve original file if it's there.
write-debug "renamed $($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File.backup"
elseif ($Config.CustomLaunchArguments -match "mod"){ #if user has extracted files.
elseif ($Config.CustomLaunchArguments -match "mod"){ #if user is using a mod.
$pattern = "-mod\s+(\S+)" #pattern to find the first word after -mod
if ($Config.CustomLaunchArguments -match $pattern){
$ModName = $matches[1]
Expand All @@ -774,19 +808,26 @@ Function DisableVideos {
$Replace = $True
foreach ($File in $VideoFiles){
if ((Get-Item "$ModPath\$File").Length -eq 0){ #check if file is l0 bytes and if so remove 0 byte file and restore original file.
$FileName = $File -replace "^[^\\]+\\", "" #remove "act2\" from string if needed.
if ($Replace = $True){
Rename-Item -Path "$ModPath\$File.backup" -NewName "$FileName" -erroraction stop | Out-Null
Else {
Remove-Item -Path "$ModPath\$File"
if ((Get-Item "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File").Length -eq 0){#check to see if we can rely on original game files. If this is true, original files are empty and can't be used
if (Test-Path "$ModPath\$File"){
if ((Get-Item "$ModPath\$File").Length -eq 0){ #check if file is 0 bytes and if so remove 0 byte file and restore original file.
$FileName = $File -replace "^[^\\]+\\", "" #remove "act2\" from string if needed.
if ($Replace = $True){
try {
Rename-Item -Path "$ModPath\$File.backup" -NewName "$FileName" -erroraction stop | Out-Null #Attempt to see if there's a backup we can restore from in the mod folder. Unlikely.
Catch {
formatfunction -IsError -indent 2 "Couldn't restore $($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File.`nYou may need to repair your game from the Battlenet client."
Remove-Item -Path "$ModPath\$File"
Else {
Remove-Item -Path "$ModPath\$File"
if ((Get-Item "$($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File").Length -eq 0){#check to see if we can rely on original game files. If this is true, original files are empty and can't be used
try {
Rename-Item -Path "$ModPath\$File.backup" -NewName "$FileName" -erroraction stop | Out-Null #Attempt to see if there's a backup we can restore from in the mod folder. Unlikely.
Catch {
formatfunction -IsError -indent 2 "Couldn't restore $($Config.GamePath)\Data\hd\global\video\$File.`nYou may need to repair your game from the Battlenet client."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -882,12 +923,12 @@ Function CloudBackupSetup {
formatfunction -indents 1 "This will ensure your game files are saved in a cloud sync'd location."
$DefaultSaveGamePath = ($Script:CharacterSavePath + "\Diablo II Resurrected")
$DefaultSaveGamePath = $Script:WindowsSavedGameLocation
$OneDriveSavePath = ("C:\Users\" + $env:username + "\OneDrive\")
$DropboxSavePath = ("C:\Users\" + $env:username + "\Dropbox\")
$GoogleDriveSavePath = ("C:\Users\" + $env:username + "\My Drive\")
###Check if junction has already been created ###
$SavedGamesFolder = $Script:CharacterSavePath
$SavedGamesFolder = $Script:WindowsSavedGameLocation.replace("\Diablo II Resurrected","")
# Run cmd's dir command to get junction info, ensuring the path is quoted
$junctionInfo = cmd /c "dir `"$SavedGamesFolder`" /AL"
# Define a regex pattern to match the "Diablo II Resurrected" junction and its target path
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -977,8 +1018,8 @@ Function CloudBackupSetup {
Function LocalBackup {# Pillaged my own script but I'm lazy and used chatgpt to rewrite to account for folder exclusions
Write-Host " Backing up save games, please wait..." -foregroundcolor yellow
$PathToBackup = $Script:CharacterSavePath
CheckForModSavePath -CheckOnly
$PathToBackup = $Script:WindowsSavedGameLocation
# Define the folders to exclude
$ExcludedFolders = @("mods", "backup", "backups")
# Initialize results array as a System.Collections.ArrayList for better performance
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1409,6 +1450,7 @@ Function CheckForModSavePath {
$SettingsOrCharString = "character"
$SettingsOrCharString2 = "character saves"
$Script:CharacterSavePath = $Script:WindowsSavedGameLocation
if ($Config.CustomLaunchArguments -match "-mod"){
$pattern = "-mod\s+(\S+)" #pattern to find the first word after -mod
if ($Config.CustomLaunchArguments -match $pattern){
Expand All @@ -1431,7 +1473,7 @@ Function CheckForModSavePath {
Write-Verbose " No Custom Save Path Specified for this mod."
ElseIf ($Modinfo -ne "../"){
$Script:CharacterSavePath += "mods\$Modinfo\"
$Script:CharacterSavePath = $Script:CharacterSavePath + "mods\$Modinfo\"
$Script:SettingsProfilePath = $Script:CharacterSavePath
if ($CheckOnly -ne $True){
if (-not (Test-Path $CharacterSavePath)){
Expand All @@ -1452,7 +1494,9 @@ Function CheckForModSavePath {
else {
Write-Host " Couldn't detect Mod name. Standard path to be used for $SettingsOrCharString2." -ForegroundColor Red
if ($CheckOnly -ne $True){
Write-Host " Couldn't detect Mod name. Standard path to be used for $SettingsOrCharString2." -ForegroundColor Red
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1585,7 +1629,7 @@ Function Options {
$NewValue = ($customLaunchArguments.InnerText -replace " ", " ").trim()
ElseIf ($Option -eq "8"){
ElseIf ($Option -eq "8" -or $Option -eq "b"){
if ($NewOptionValue -eq "2"){
if (LocalBackup -eq "Skipped"){
start-sleep -milliseconds 2800 #If it was skipped allow short time for the message to appear before refreshing screen
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1800,7 +1844,7 @@ Function Options {
-Description "This enables you to disable intro videos and videos in between each act." `
-OptionsText "Choose '$X[38;2;255;165;000;22m1$X[0m' to $OptionsSubText`n"
ElseIf ($Option -eq "8"){#Backup
ElseIf ($Option -eq "8" -or $Option -eq "b"){#Backup
If ($Script:Config.AutoBackup -eq "False"){
$Options = @{"1" = "True";"2" = "PlaceholderValue Only :)";"3" = "PlaceholderValue Only :)"}
$OptionsSubText = "enable"
Expand All @@ -1822,8 +1866,8 @@ Function Options {
$Optionkey = ($iterate + 1).ToString() # Create keys as "1", "2", etc.
$OptionsList[$Optionkey] = $NonEmptyDirectories[$iterate].Name
Foreach ($Option in $OptionsList.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Key){
write-host " Choose '$X[38;2;255;165;000;22m$($Option.key)$X[0m' to switch to '$($Option.Value)' character set."
Foreach ($ListOption in $OptionsList.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Key){
write-host " Choose '$X[38;2;255;165;000;22m$($ListOption.key)$X[0m' to switch to '$($ListOption.Value)' character set."
do {
Write-Host "`n Enter " -nonewline;CommaSeparatedList -NoOr ($OptionsList.keys | sort-object); Write-Host " or '$X[38;2;255;165;000;22mc$X[0m' to cancel: " -nonewline
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2374,8 +2418,6 @@ Function Processing {
} until ($SettingsChoice.tostring() -in $ + $SettingsCancelOption + "Esc")
if ($SettingsChoice -ne "c" -and $SettingsChoice -ne "Esc" -and $SettingsChoice -ne "1"){
$SettingsToLoadFrom = $SettingsFileOptions | where-object {$ -eq $SettingsChoice.tostring()}
try {
Copy-item ($SettingsProfilePath + $SettingsToLoadFrom.FileName) -Destination $SettingsJSON #-ErrorAction Stop #overwrite settings.json with settings<Name>.json (<Name> being the name of the config user selects). This means any changes to settings in settings.json will be lost the next time an account is loaded by the script.
Expand Down

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