Sample sources to calculate positions of the Sun and Moon using location and date.
The approximation formulas are taken from: ISBN=4805206349 日の出・日の入りの計算 : 天体の出没時刻の求め方 / 長沢工著, 東京 : 地人書館, 1999.12
You can get azimuth angle at specific date and location using:
-(double)azimuthAngleAtDate:(NSDate*)date inLocation:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)location;
[[CMMoon new] azimuthAngleAtDate:date inLocation:location]
You can get declination angle at specific date using:
[[CMSun new] declinationAtDate:date]
You can get elevation (i.e. altitude) angle at specific date and location using:
-(double)elevationAtDate:(NSDate*)date inLocation:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)location;
[[CMSun new] elevationAtDate:date inLocation:location]
You can get geocentric distance at specific date using:
[[CMSun new] geocentricDistanceAtDate:date]
CelestialUtil needs ARC.
Licensed under the MIT license.