This is a terminal-based application for managing user profiles and company details. The project allows users to register, log in, and manage their profiles by adding education, resumes, and applying for internships. Additionally, companies can register and manage their details in a similar manner. All data is persisted in JSON files, allowing the application to save and retrieve data across sessions.
- User Registration and Login: Users can register by providing their details (first name, last name, email, location, and password) and log in using their credentials.
- Profile Management: After logging in, users can:
- Add education details (degree, institution, start and end year).
- Add multiple resumes (name, job title, description, and skills).
- View notifications related to applications.
- Session Persistence: User profile data is stored in a JSON file and can be loaded during subsequent sessions.
- Company Registration: Companies can be registered by providing their name, industry, website, location, email, and description.
- Company Data Persistence: Company data is saved in a JSON file for easy retrieval.
- Auto-increment Company ID: Each company is assigned a unique, auto-incremented ID.
: This file contains the core classes and methods used in the
: This is the entry point of the application, handling user inputs and interactions with the system.company_details.json
: This file stores the company information persistently.user_profiles.json
: This file stores user data persistently.
: Auto-incremented user ID.first_name
: User's personal
: Lists to store respective details.
: Adds an education entry for the user.add_resume
: Adds a new resume for the user.apply_for_internship
: Simulates applying to an internship and notifies the user.add_notification
: Adds notifications for user activities.
: A dictionary storing user email and password pairs for login authentication.
: Validates email and password during login.save_user_to_file
: Saves user profile data touser_profiles.json
: Loads user profile data fromuser_profiles.json
: Auto-incremented company
: Company details.
: Saves company details tocompany_details.json
: Loads company details fromcompany_details.json
- Python 3.x installed on your system.
- Familiarity with terminal or command line interface (CLI).
Clone the Repository:
git clone<your-username>/<repo-name>.git cd <repo-name>
Run the Main Program:
Follow the prompts on the terminal to register a user, log in, manage profiles, or register companies.
User Data: Stored in
. This file contains all the registered user information, including their education, resumes, and applications. -
Company Data: Stored in
. This file contains details of all registered companies.
Do you want to (1) Register or (2) Login? Enter 0 to exit: 1
Enter first name: John
Enter last name: Doe
Enter email: [email protected]
Enter location: New York
Enter password: ****
Confirm password: ****
User registered successfully! You can now log in.
Do you want to (1) Register or (2) Login? Enter 0 to exit: 2
Enter email: [email protected]
Enter password: ****
Login successful!
What would you like to do? (1) Add Education (2) Add Resume (3) Logout: 1
Enter degree: B.Sc. Computer Science
Enter institution: MIT
Enter start year: 2018
Enter end year: 2022
Education added successfully!
What would you like to do? (1) Add Education (2) Add Resume (3) Logout: 2
Enter Your name: John Doe
Enter Job Title: Software Developer
Enter Description: Passionate developer with experience in Python.
Enter Skills (comma-separated): Python, JavaScript, SQL
Resume added successfully!
Enter company name: TechCorp
Enter industry: IT
Enter website:
Enter location: New York
Enter email: [email protected]
Enter description: Leading IT services provider.
Company data saved to company_details.json
- User Interface Improvement: Build a graphical user interface (GUI) for easier interaction.
- Database Integration: Integrate with a SQL or NoSQL database for better data handling and performance.
- Security Enhancements: Encrypt stored passwords and add more robust user authentication mechanisms.
- Application Tracking: Extend the internship application system to track application status updates.
Feel free to submit pull requests, report issues, or contribute to new features. All contributions are welcome!
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
For any questions or inquiries, please reach out to:
- Shubham Vinod Surve
- Email: [email protected]
This documentation outlines the overall functionality, usage, and structure of the project. It should give any potential collaborators or users a clear understanding of how to get started and contribute.