(like the grape variety, minus the z 🍷)
Curious, open and ready to learn. I speak Hebrew, English, and Spanish (Castellano).
My mission in my work is to make information available to everyone
We live in a world of data but it's not always so easy to understand it. This is where my motivation comes from: turning DATA into KNOWLEDGE
- 🦈 Marine ecology
- 📊 Data analytics
- 🖱 Digital tools
- 👩🏽🏫 Capacity-building and data literacy
- 👩🏽💻 I code in R. Because R is a language designed to get shit done (Hadley Wickham, rstudio::conf, 2022)
- 🗺 I map in QGIS (and R)
- ⛏ I can create queries in SQL
- 🕸 I am familiar with Python, HTML, CSS and Tableau and use them when needed
- 🗒 I manage projects with Notion
(I got the idea for this list from loreabad6 )
📫 You can reach me via email