IronBound DB is a straightforward, but powerful, ORM for WordPress. It facilitates the creation of custom database tables, and bridges the gap between WordPress functionality and IronBound Models.
Installs with composer.
composer require ironbound/db v2.0.0-beta
$author = Author::create( array( 'name' => 'John Doe' ) );
$author->books->add( new Book( array( 'title' => "John's Book" ) ) );
// Eager load One-to-Many Books relationship to prevent N+1 problem
$authors = Author::with( 'books' )->results();
foreach ( $authors as $author ) {
foreach ( $author->books as $book ) {
$book->price += 5.00;
$book1 = Book::create( array( 'title' => 'Book 1' ) );
$book2 = Book::create( array( 'title' => 'Book 2' ) );
$book3 = Book::create( array( 'title' => 'Book 3' ) );
$bronx = Library::create( array( 'name' => 'Bronx Library' ) );
$manhattan = Library::create( array( 'name' => 'Manhattan Library' ) );
$manhattan->books->add( $book2 );
$manhattan->books->add( $book3 );
$bronx->books->add( $book1 );
$bronx->books->add( $book2 );
$manhattan->books->removeElement( $book3 );
$manhattan->books->add( $book1 );
Model's can have any of the four WordPress objects (Posts, Users, Comments, Terms) as attributes. They will be saved or created whenever the Model is saved.
$author = Author::get( 1 );
$author->user->display_name = 'John Doe'; // This is a WP_User object
$author->picture->post_title = 'John Doe'; // This is a WP_Post object
$author->save(); // The User and Post were automatically saved
// You can have WP objects inserted too
$author = new Author(
'picture' => new WP_Post( (object) array(
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_title' => 'Jane Doe'
) );
Author::create( array(
'name' => 'John Doe'
) )->update_meta( 'favorite_color', 'blue' );
Author::create( array(
'name' => 'Jane Doe'
) )->update_meta( 'favorite_color', 'green' );
$authors = Author::query()->where_meta( array(
'key' => 'favorite_color',
'value' => 'blue'
) )->results();
When used with WPEvents, IronBound DB will fire events (actions) when various state changes occur.
Book::created( function( GenericEvent $event ) {
$book = $event->get_subject();
// do custom processing...
} );
Book::saving( function( GenericEvent $event ) {
$book = $event->get_subject();
if ( $book->price === 0 ) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'Books are not allowed to be free!' );
} );
If the constraint behavior is set to cascade
, this will delete both the Author and the Book.
events will be fired for each model. Constraints require WPEvents
be configured.
$author = Author::create( array( 'name' => 'John Doe' ) );
$book = Book::create( array( 'title' => "John's Book", 'author' => $author ) );
class Author extends \IronBound\DB\Model\ModelWithMeta {
public function get_pk() {
return $this->id;
protected function _books_relation() {
$relation = new HasMany( 'author', get_class( new Book() ), $this, 'books' );
return $relation;
protected static function get_table() {
return static::$_db_manager->get( 'authors' );
public static function get_meta_table() {
return static::$_db_manager->get( 'authors-meta' );
Tables are defined in PHP. Each model is represented by a table. Tables are generally defined by a PHP class.
class Authors extends \IronBound\DB\Table\BaseTable {
public function get_table_name( \wpdb $wpdb ) {
return "{$wpdb->prefix}authors";
public function get_slug() {
return 'authors';
public function get_columns() {
return array(
'id' => new \IronBound\DB\Table\Column\IntegerBased( 'BIGINT', 'id', array( 'unsigned', 'auto_increment' ), array( 20 ) ),
'name' => new \IronBound\DB\Table\Column\StringBased( 'VARCHAR', 'name', array(), array( 60 ) ),
'birth_date' => new \IronBound\DB\Table\Column\DateTime( 'birth_date' ),
'bio' => new \IronBound\DB\Table\Column\StringBased( 'LONGTEXT', 'bio' ),
'picture' => new \IronBound\DB\Table\Column\ForeignPost( 'picture', new \IronBound\DB\Saver\PostSaver() ),
'user' => new \IronBound\DB\Table\Column\ForeignUser( 'user', new \IronBound\DB\Saver\UserSaver() )
public function get_column_defaults() {
return array(
'id' => 0,
'name' => '',
'birth_date' => '',
'bio' => '',
'picture' => 0,
'user' => 0
public function get_primary_key() {
return 'id';
public function get_version() {
return 1;
\IronBound\DB\Manager::register( new Authors() );
\IronBound\DB\Manager::register( new BaseMetaTable( new Authors() ) );
\IronBound\DB\Manager::maybe_install_table( new Authors() );
\IronBound\DB\Manager::maybe_install_table( new BaseMetaTable( new Authors() ) );
class Authors extends \IronBound\DB\Table\BaseTable implements \IronBound\DB\Table\ForeignKey\DeleteConstrained {
// ... other methods
public function get_delete_constraints() {
return array(
'user' => self::RESTRICT // Exception thrown when deleting a User if an author referencing it exists,
'picture' => self::SET_DEFAULT // The column will be updated to its default value when its referenced post is deleted