The Healthcare Management System is a Java-based application designed to manage doctors, patients, and appointments within a healthcare setting. The system includes functionality to add, edit, and display doctors and patients, as well as manage appointments. It is built using Swing for the GUI and utilizes a text file for data persistence.
Doctor Management
- Add new doctors.
- Edit existing doctor details.
- Display a list of all doctors.
Patient Management
- Add new patients.
- Display a list of all patients.
- Display a list of emergency patients only.
Appointment Management
- Add new appointments.
- Display all appointments.
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory
cd healthcare-management-system
- Build the project
Use your preferred IDE (e.g., IntelliJ, Eclipse) to build and run the project.
- Select the “Add Doctor” option.
- Fill in the required details.
- Click “Submit” to save the doctor to the system.
- Select the “Add Patient” option.
- Fill in the patient’s details.
- Click “Submit” to save the patient to the system.
- Select “Add Appointment” to create a new appointment.
- Choose the doctor and patient, and select the date.
- Click “Submit” to finalize the appointment.
Feel free to fork this repository, create a new branch, and submit a pull request with your changes. Please ensure that your code follows the existing style and conventions.