The work on the plugin is in progress now. Implemented features are mentioned in the section General Usage Information. There might be some problems and mistakes in the plugin. If you see one, please, do not hesitate to report us.
The plugin is compatible with all IntelliJ based IDEs, but it works better with CLion if you are using CMake as a build tool. If you don't have any IntelliJ ide yet, you can try IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition for free.
You can install a stable version of the plugin from
Jet Brains plugins repository
using Settings > Plugins > Browse repositories
in your IDE.
Fortran plugin is gradle based project. So, it can be build using gradlew assemble
tested with gradlew test
command and launched with gradlew runIdea
To start work with your Fortran project use New > Project from existing sources
In CLion it is also possible to load CMake
based projects, see
Example of Fortran project build with CMake
can be found here.
Using CMake
project in CLion allows you to compile, run and debug project from the IDE.
To debug Fortran projects please add Fortran run configuration Edit Configurations > Add New Configuration > Fortran
select it in Select Run/Debug configuration
menu and choose GDB as a working debugger. More detail about debugging in CLion
is available in CLion help.
Fortran source files might be in two forms: free form and fixed form.
For now some features are available only for free form.
The plugin differs source forms by the file extension.
and .for
files are handled as fixed form source files
while .f90
, .f95
, .f03
and .f08
files are in free source form.
One can easily change this settings. Please, visit
File Types Help for further detail.
Now the plugin provides lexer, parser, debugger, simple syntax highlighter, formatter (for free source firm files only), commenter, code folding and navigation (Find Usages and Go to Definition), brace matcher, structure view and several code inspections.