A minimal approach to make a list of awesome algorithms solved in saveral ways with JavaScript 🚀
It is quite simple to test any of the Algorithm
🎉 Clone the repo & Start Hacking 😎
🚀 Example: node basic-algorithms/palindrome-checker.js
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# | Lavel | Algorithm Name |
01 | Basic | Fibonacci |
02 | Basic | Celsius to Fahrenheit |
03 | Basic | Reverse a string |
04 | Basic | Factorize a number |
05 | Basic | Find Vowel |
06 | Basic | Palindrome checker |
07 | Basic | Longest word finder |
08 | Basic | Mutation |
09 | Intermediate | Sum all numbers in a range |
10 | Intermediate | Diff two array |
11 | Intermediate | Seek and Destroy |
12 | Intermediate | Spinal Top Case |
13 | Intermediate | Search and Replace |
14 | Advanced | Find the Symmetric Difference |
15 | Advanced | Bubble Sort |
16 | Advanced | Selection Sort |
17 | Advanced | Insertion Sort |