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Irssi is a console based fullscreen IRC client. It is written in the C programming language, and can be modified through both Modules -- dynamically loadable compiled libraries -- and Scripts, written in Perl

Modules are not covered in this documentation, other than to note that Perl scripting support itself may be compiled as a module rather than built directly into Irssi. The /LOAD command can be used from within Irssi to check if Perl support is available. If not, refer to the INSTALL file for how to recompile irssi.

The Irssi package is the basis of Perl scripting in Irssi. It does not export any functions by default, and requires that all function-calls be fully qualified with the Irssi::cmd prefix. See EXPORTS for an alternative.


Nothing by default, but passing a list of function names when useing the module will import them into the current namespace.

For example:

  use Irssi qw/signal_emit signal_add .../;



Global accessors for properties of the Irssi instance as a whole.

  • active_win

    my $win = Irssi::active_win();
    returns the currently active Irssi::UI::Window
  • windows

    my @windows = Irssi::windows();

    returns a list of all windows

    When called in scalar context

    my $win = Irssi::windows();
    only the first (which may or may not be the one with the lowest refnum) window is returned.
  • window_find_closest $name, $level

    Returns the Irssi::UI::Window with the given name, or item name, or that best matches the given levels TODO

  • window_find_item $name

    Returns the Irssi::UI::Window containing the Windowitem named $name.

  • window_item_find $name

    Returns the Irssi::Windowitem named $name.

  • window_find_level $level

    Returns a Irssi::UI::Window which has the same base level as $level. Empty windows (containing no windowitems) are preferred, followed by the active window if possible.

  • window_find_name $name

    Returns the Irssi::UI::Window specified by $name.

  • window_find_refnum $refnum

    Returns the Irssi::UI::Window specified by $refnum.

  • window_refnum_next $refnum, $wrap

    Returns the numeric refnum for the window following the one specified in $refnum. $wrap is a boolean flag indicating whether to wrap at the last refnum and return the first.

  • window_refnum_prev $refnum, $wrap

    Returns the numeric refnum for the window directly preceeding the one specified in $refnum. $wrap acts as a flag as above.

  • windows_refnum_last

    Returns the highest refnum in use.

  • active_server

    my $server = Irssi::active_server();
    returns the currently active Irssi::Server.
  • servers

    returns a list of all servers.

  • server_find_tag $tag

    Find server with the tag $tag. Returns an Irssi::Server instance.

  • server_find_chatnet $chatnet

    Find the first server that is in $chatnet returns a Irssi::Server instance.

  • reconnects

    returns a list of all server reconnections.

  • channels

    returns a list of all channels.

  • queries

    returns a list of all queries.

  • commands

    returns a list of all commands.

  • logs

    returns a list of all log files.

  • ignores

    returns a list of all ignores.

  • get_gui

    Indicates if Irssi has been started with a GUI frontend.

    Return values are:

    IRSSI_GUI_QT    4

    The symbolic constants listed above can be accessed from scripts as follows:

     my $is_text = Irssi::get_gui == Irssi::IRSSI_GUI_TEXT;

File-associated Accessors

  • get_irssi_binary

    Returns a string containing the absolute location of the binary that this instance of Irssi was invoked from.

  • get_irssi_config

    Returns a string containing the absolute location of the config file that was specified or defaulted to when Irssi started up. Can be modified at startup using the --config= commandline option, or defaults to ~/.irssi/config.

  • get_irssi_dir

    Returns a string containing the absolute location of the base directory that was specified or defaulted to when Irssi started up. Can be modified at startup using the --home=... commandline option, or defaults to ~/.irssi/.


See also Signals.

Irssi is based heavily on the sending and handling of various different signals. Like when you receive a message from server, say:

:[email protected] PRIVMSG you :blahblah

Irssi will first send a signal:

"server incoming", SERVER_REC, "nick!user@there PRIVMSG ..."

You probably don't want to use this signal. Default handler for this signal interprets the header and sends a signal:

"server event", Irssi::Server, "PRIVMSG ...", "nick", "[email protected]"

You probably don't want to use this either, since this signal's default handler parses the event string and sends a signal:

"event privmsg", Irssi::Server, "you :blahblah", "nick", "[email protected]"

You can at any point grab the signal, do whatever you want to do with it and optionally stop it from going any further by calling Irssi::signal_stop

For example:

  sub event_privmsg {
      # $data = "nick/#channel :text"
      my ($server, $data, $nick, $address) = @_;
      my ($target, $text) = split(/ :/, $data, 2);

      Irssi::signal_stop() if ($text =~ /free.*porn/ || $nick =~ /idiot/);

  Irssi::signal_add("event privmsg", "event_privmsg");

This will hide all public or private messages that match the regexp "free.*porn" or the sender's nick contain the word "idiot". Yes, you could use /IGNORE instead for both of these :)

You can also use Irssi::signal_add_last if you wish to let Irssi's internal functions be run before yours.

A list of signals that irssi sends can be found in the Signals documentation.

Handling Signals

  • signal_add $sig_name, $func

    Bind $sig_name to function $func. The $func argument may be either a string containing the name of a function to call, or a coderef.

    For example:

      Irssi::signal_add("default command", sub { ... });
      Irssi::signal_add("default command", "my_function");
      Irssi::signal_add("default command", \&my_function);

    In most cases, the specified function will be passed arguments in @_ as specified in Signals.

    It is possible to listen for a signal which is not explicitly exposed to the scripting API, such as terminal resized. In this case, you will not be able to access any arguments passed with the function, and Bad Things may occur if you try.

    Multiple signal handlers can be added at once by passing a hashref of $signal => $function pairs. For example:

      Irssi::signal_add( { 'sig a' => \&do_a, 'sig b' => \&do_b, ... } );
  • signal_add_first $sig_name, $func

    Bind $sig_name to function $func. Call $func as soon as possible when the signal is raised.

  • signal_add_last $sig_name, $func

    Bind $sig_name to function $func. Call $func as late as possible (after all other signal handlers).

  • signal_remove $sig_name, $func

    Unbind $sig_name from function $func. Note that it is not possible to unbind a signal handler which was created using a coderef. If you intend to remove your signals, use the string form of signal_add.

Controlling Signal Propagation

  • signal_emit $sig_name, @params

    Send a signal of type $sig_name. Up to 6 parameters can be passed in @params.

  • signal_continue @params

    Propagate a currently emitted signal, but with different parameters. This only needs to be called if you wish to change them, otherwise just returning from your handler will allow all subsequent handlers will be invoked as normal with the original arguments.

    For example, we can intercept a public message and rewrite the content before passing it on:

     Irssi::signal_add_first 'message public',
         sub {
             my ($server, $msg, @rest) = @_;
             $msg =~ s/this/that/g;
             Irssi::signal_continue($server, $msg, @rest);

    Note that if you want to do this sort of rewriting, it is important to add your handler using signal_add_first to it is called before the internal Irssi handlers which would usually consume it.

    Note: It should only be called from within a signal handler

  • signal_stop

    Stop the signal that is currently being emitted, preventing any subsequent handlers for it from running.

  • signal_stop_by_name $sig_name

    Stop the signal with name $sig_name that is currently being emitted. This may be different from the currently emitted signal because one signal may generate another, and this function can be used to stop the parent from within a child handler.

Registering New Signals

  • signal_register $hashref

    Register parameter types for one or more signals. $hashref must map one or more signal names to references to arrays containing 0 to 6 type names. Some recognized type names include:

    • int -- integer

    • intptr -- reference to integer

    • string -- string

    For all standard signals see src/perl/perl-signals-list.h in the source code (this is generated by src/perl/

    For example:

      my $signal_config_hash = { "new signal" => [ qw/string string integer/ ] };

    Any signals that were already registered are unaffected.

    Note 1: Signals registered in this way do not persist over Irssi restarts. The script must register them before using them once for each Irssi instance.

    Note 2: Once registered with a particular set of parameters, it is not possible via the scripting API to unregister or change the type of the parameters. This can only be achieved by restarting Irssi.

    Registration is required to access any parameters passed with the signals from within Perl. It is also necessary to emit signals with parameters.

    A partial list of types is provided above, and a more comprehensive (but possibly still not complete) list can be found in Signals/SIGNAL TYPES.

    TODO: Are there any types missing from the Signals page?


See also Irssi::Command

Registering Commands

  • command_bind $cmd, $func, $category

    Bind a command string $cmd to call function $func. $func can be either a string or coderef. $category is an optional string specifying the category to display the command in when /HELP is used.

    When a command is invoked, either by the user typing /command args, the handler function will be called.

    It will receive the following parameters, passed in @_:

      my ($argument_string, $server_obj, $window_item_obj) = @_;
    The argument string must be processed by the handler to split it into individual words if necessary.

    The command_parse_options function can be used to process options (beginning with a single dash), and will also return the remainder of the string to be processed as desired.

  • command_runsub $cmd, $data, $server, $item

    Run subcommands for $cmd. First word in $data is parsed as a subcommand. $server is the Irssi::Server record for the current Irssi::Windowitem $item.

    It is typically used in a handler function for a base $cmd and bound with:

    my $cmd = "test";
    my $subcmd = "print";
    command_bind("$cmd", \&handler_func, "Test Category");
    command_bind("$cmd $subcmd", \&test_print_func, "Test Category");
    sub handler_func {
        my ($data, $server, $item) = @_;
        $data =~ s/\s+$//g; # strip trailing whitespace.
        Irssi::command_runsub($cmd, $data, $server, $item);
    See the Guide example for further details.
  • command_unbind $cmd, $func

    Unbind command $cmd from function $func.

Invoking Commands

  • command $string

    Run the command specified in $string in the currently active context. Context refers to the currently active window and server.

    See also:

    [[$server->command $string|server#wiki-command_$string]], [[$window->command $str|UI::Window#wiki-command_$str]], or [[$win_item->command $str|windowitem#wiki-command_$str]] for alternative contexts.

Parsing Command Arguments

  • command_set_options $cmd, $data

    Set options for command $cmd to $data. $data is a string of space separated words which specify the options. Each word can be optionally prefixed with one of the following character:

    • -: optional argument

    • @: optional numeric argument

    • +: required argument

    For example:

    my $argument_format = "+something -other -another @number";
    Irssi::command_set_options('mycmd', $argument_format);

    Thus, the command may be run as /mycmd -something value -other value rest of args. An argument specifier with no prefix is treated as an optional boolean value, that is, if present, it will have a key set in the resulting parsed argument hash.

  • command_parse_options $cmd, $data

    Parse out options as specified by command_set_options for command $cmd. A string containing the input received by the command handler should be passed in as $data.

    The return value is either undef if an error occurred, or a list containing two items. The first is a hashref mapping the option names to their values. Optional arguments which were not present in the input will not be included in the hash.

    The second item in the return list is a string containing the remainder of the input after the arguments have been parsed out.

    For example:

      sub my_cmd_handler {
          my ($command_args) = @_;
          my @options_list = Irssi::command_parse_options "my_cmd", $command_args;
          if (@options_list) {
              my $options       = $options_list->[0];
              my $arg_remainder = $options_list->[1];
              if (exists $options->{other} && $options->{something} eq 'hello') {


Settings are a way to permanently store values that your script may wish to use. They are also easily manipulable by the user through the /SET command, making them a good way to allow configuration of your script.

The following list summarises the data types available:

  • str

    A generic string type, which can contain arbitrary text. It is also commonly used to build space-separated lists of entries.

  • int

    An integer type. Integers must be whole numbers, but may also be negative or zero.

    It is stored internally as a signed int, and has a range of +/- 2^31.

  • bool

    A boolean type. In Perl terms, values are 0 for false, and anything else for true. When acting on them externally, ON and OFF are the usual terms used.

  • time

    A time type. A series of integers with optional unit specifiers. Valid specifiers are:

    mil[liseconds] | ms[econds]

    Any unambiguous part of a specifier can be used, as shown by the strings in braces in the above table.

    Multiple specifiers can be combined, with or without spaces between them. for example:

    /set knockout_time 1hour30mins
    /script exec print Irssi::settings_get_time('knockout_time') / 1000 / 60 == 90
    /set scrollback_time 1day 12hours
    /script exec print Irssi::settings_get_time('scrollback_time') / 1000 / 3600 == 36
    /set scrollback_time 1day 12hours 13mi 2s 95msec
    $scrollback_time / 1000 == 130382.095

    There must not be a space between the number and the unit specifier.

    Note: The value is stored internally as a number of milliseconds. Since it is stored as an signed 32-bit integer, it will overflow at 2^31 ms, or approximately 24 days. Times longer than this are considered invalid.

    Times shorter than 10 milliseconds are also considered invalid, and will generate a warning.

    The default specifier if none are specified is seconds.

  • level

    An irssi Messagelevel. See /HELP LEVELS for a full list and description, or "Message Levels" for a list of the Perl equivalents.

  • size

    A size type, used for specifying buffer and file sizes in bytes, or octets. It must be a non-negative integer, and must followed without whiespace by a unit specifier that matches one of the following:

    g[bytes] - 2**30
    m[bytes] - 2**20
    k[bytes] - 2**10
    b[ytes]  - 2**7

    Values without unit specifiers will appear to be set, but will return 0 to the accessor functions.

    Also note that unlike the time data-type, multiple values such as 1Mb500kb cannot be strung together. Nor can fractional units be used. If in doubt, pick a smaller specifier, and use more of it.

Creating New Settings

If a setting does not currently exist, it must first be registered with Irssi using one of the following settings_add_* functions.

  • settings_add_str $section, $key, $def

  • settings_add_int $section, $key, $def

  • settings_add_bool $section, $key, $def

  • settings_add_time $section, $key, $def

  • settings_add_level $section, $key, $def

  • settings_add_size $section, $key, $def

Each of the above functions operates in the same way, but creates a different data type. For each function, $section is a string describing the group the entry falls into, $key is the name of the setting. The key must be a single string, and typically multiple words are separated by underscores.

The final parameter, $def, is the default value of this setting. It should correspond to the type of the setting being created.

The first ever time a setting is added, it is stored in the configuration file (at least, following a /SAVE or autosave. Thereafter, additional calls to these functions will not alter the saved or user-set values, so they can be placed in initialisation code without worry.

Retrieving Settings

  • settings_get_str $key

  • settings_get_int $key

  • settings_get_bool $key

  • settings_get_time $key

  • settings_get_level $key

  • settings_get_size $key

    These functions all return their value corresponding to $key.

Modifying Settings

  • settings_set_str $key, $value

  • settings_set_int $key, $value

  • settings_set_bool $key, $value

  • settings_set_time $key, $value

  • settings_set_level $key, $value

  • settings_set_size $key, $value

    Changes the value of the setting with key $key to $value.

    NOTE: If you change the settings of another module/script with one of these, you must emit a "setup changed" signal afterwards.

    This can be done with:

     Irssi::signal_emit("setup changed");

    Unfortunately, the "setup changed" signal takes something of a shotgun approach to notification. Every script that manages its own settings, as well as a large number of internal functions will be run whenever the signal is emitted. It is therefore wise to try to keep calls to it to a minimum.

  • settings_remove $key

    Remove a setting specified with $key.

IO and Process Management

  • timeout_add $msecs, $func, $data

    Call $func every $msecs milliseconds (1/1000th of a second) with parameter $data. $msecs must be at least 10 or an error is signaled via croak.

    Returns a tag which can be used to stop the timeout via "timeout_remove".

  • timeout_add_once $msecs, $func, $data

    Call $func once after $msecs milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) with parameter $data. $msecs must be at least 10 or an error is signaled via croak.

    Returns tag which can be used to stop the timeout via "timeout_remove".

  • timeout_remove $tag

    Remove timeout specified with tag $tag.

  • input_add $source, $condition, $func, $data

    Call $func with parameter $data when specified IO happens. $source is the file handle that is being listened. $condition can be Irssi::INPUT_READ, Irssi::INPUT_WRITE or both. Returns tag which can be used to remove the listener with "input_remove".

  • input_remove $tag

    Remove listener with $tag.

  • pidwait_add $pid

    Adds $pid to the list of processes to wait for. The pid must identify a child process of the irssi process. When the process terminates, a "pidwait" signal will be sent with the pid and the status from waitpid(). This is useful to avoid zombies if your script forks.

  • pidwait_remove $pid

    Removes $pid from the list of processes to wait for. Terminated processes are removed automatically, so it is usually not necessary to call this function.

Message Levels

The standard Irssi levels (as specified in /HELP LEVELS) are accessible from within scripts with the following zero-arguments functions:




























  • level2bits $level

    Level string -> number

  • bits2level $bits

    Level number -> string

  • combine_level $level, $str

    Combine level number to level string ("+level -level"). Return new level number.


See also Irssi::UI::Theme

  • themes_reload

    Reloads the current theme (set with /SET THEME) from file.

    See also Irssi::UI::Theme

  • current_theme

    Returns the current theme object.

  • theme_register $format_list_ref

    You can have user configurable texts in scripts that work just like irssi's internal texts that can be changed in themes.

    See also the template and [[format arguments|formats#wiki-ALIAS_AND_FORMAT_TEMPLATE_ARGUMENTS]] docs for details on the structure of these templates.

      'format_name', '{hilight my perl format!}',
      'format2', 'testing.. nick = $0, channel = $1'

    NB: Format variable placeholders should be single-quoted or escaped to prevent Perl from trying to expand the $ variables prematurely.

  • Printing

    Printing happens with one of the following functions:

    • printformat $level, $format, @rest

    • $window->printformat $level, $format, @rest

      See Irssi::UI::Window

    • $server->printformat $target, $level, $format, @rest

      See Irssi::Server

    • $window_item->printformat $level, $str, @args

      See Irssi::Windowitem

    The remaining args passed after $format are passed to the format template as arguments, starting at $0.

    TODO: What does plain old printformat use as a destination?

    For example:

      $channel->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'format2',
                            'nick', $channel->{name});


      $window->printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, 'format_blah', @format_data);
    • parse_special $str, $data, $flags

    This function takes a string in $str containing [[colour codes|Formats#wiki-COLOURS]] and expandos and ordinary text, returns a string with all variables, formats and expandos expanded to their appropriate values.

    $data is a space-separated string which is used to expand any positional variables in the $str string.

    For example:

    my $str = '$0: commandchars are: $K. The rest of your arguments are %_$1-%_';
    print Irssi::parse_special($str, "first second third dotdotdot", 0);

    The $flags are as follows (taken from src/core/special-vars.h):

    /* return argument name instead of it's value */
    PARSE_FLAG_GETNAME      0x01
    /* arg_used field specifies that at least one of the $variables was non-empty */
    /* if any arguments/variables contain % chars, escape them with another % */
    /* if any arguments/variables contain { or } chars, escape them with % */
    /* expand only arguments ($0 $1 etc.) but no other

    Note: The symbolic names of these flags are not exposed via the perl API, so any desired flags should be specified by the equivalent values above. If more than one flag is needed, they can be added/bitwise-OR'd together.


Expandos are special variables which can be used in format and abstract templates.

They behave similarly to Perl "Magic" variables, and their value is set behind the scenes depending on calling context.

See also Formats/Expandos for a list of builtin expandos.

Scripts can fetch the value of expandos using the parse_special function, and can also register and handle rendering of additional ones.

  • expando_create $name, $func, $update_flags

    This function creates a new expando with name $name. The expando is accessible from templates via $expando_name.

    $func is a CODEREF which is called by Irssi internally when the expando should be updated.

    A simple handler function would look something like:

      sub handle_my_expando {
          my ($server, $win_item) = @_;
          return "some string";

    $update_flags is a hashref containing one or more SIGNAL => BEHAVIOUR pairs.

    The signals are strings containing ordinary Irssi signals. The behaviour flag can take one of the following (string) values:

    • "none"

      Unconditionally update the expando when this signal is received.

    • "server"

      Only update this expando if the signal received passes an Irssi::Server argument that matches the Server in which the expando is used in.

    • "window"

      Only update this expando if the signal received passes an Irssi::UI::Window argument that matches the Window in which the expando is used in.

    • "windowitem"

      Only update this expando if the signal received passes an Irssi::Windowitem argument that matches the Windowitem in which the expando is used in.

    • "never"

      Never update the value of this expando. It is calculated once and never altered.

    For example:

      Irssi::expando_create 'my_expando', \&handle_my_expando,
                          { 'message part' => 'none' };

    This expando will be refreshed (via a call to handle_my_expando()) every time a message part signal is emitted.

    NB: Only expandos used in statusbars will be updated dynamically to reflect their new value. Those used in a template to print text will remain static as determined by their value when they were firstrendered.

    Expandos used in statusbars can be forced to refresh using statusbar_items_redraw, even if they have no autorefresh signals set.

  • expando_destroy $name

    This function removes the expando specified by $name. Its handler function will no longer be called, and all update signal listeners are also removed.

    TODO: What is the value of a destroyed expando if used in a template/sbar?

Text GUI

  • gui_input_get_pos

    Returns the position of the cursor in the input field.

  • gui_input_set $str

    Replaces the contents of the input field with $str

  • gui_input_set_pos $pos

    Sets the position of the cursor in the input field.

Getting the Input Field Contents

There is no equivalent function for accessing this directly as there are for the others above, but it can be determined using the $L expando documented in Formats.

For example:

  my $gui_input_contents = Irssi::parse_special '$L', undef, 0;

See parse_special for more detail.

  • gui_printtext $x, $y, $str

    Prints $str starting at the $x, $y position on the current screen.

    The coordinates treat the top-left corner of the screen as the origin (0, 0).

    NB: The contents of the string will overwrite whatever is currently located at that screen position, but is transient, and will be replaced by the original content if the screen is redrawn (/REDRAW or Ctrl-L).


  • channel_find $channel

    Find channel from any server. Returns an Irssi::Channel object.


  • ignore_add_rec $ignore

    Add ignore record.

  • ignore_update_rec $ignore

    Update ignore record in configuration

  • ignore_check $nick, $host, $channel, $text, $level

    TODO: Document what this does


  • log_create_rec $fname, $level

    Create log file. Returns Irssi::Log

  • log_find $fname

Find log with file name. Returns Irssi::Log

Raw Logging

  • rawlog_create

    Create a new rawlog. Returns an Irssi::Rawlog object.

  • rawlog_set_size $lines

Set the default rawlog size for new rawlogs.


  • chatnet_find $name

    Find chat network with $name.

Status Bars

See also Irssi::TextUI::Statusbaritem, and Guide/Status Bars

  • statusbar_item_register $name, $value, $func

    Registers a new statusbar item with Irssi. $name is the name of the item, which is used to refer to it when adding it to a statusbar, or as a key for some of the other functions below.

  • statusbar_item_unregister $name

    delete this item from Irssi

  • statusbar_items_redraw $name

    force redraw of this item

  • statusbars_recreate_items


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