- Tutorial: Getting started with create-react-app, Redux, React Router & Redux Thunk
- Demo
- Installation:
git clone https://github.com/notrab/create-react-app-redux.git cd create-react-app-redux yarn
git clone https://gitlab.cluster.earlham.edu/sestissi16/WhosFakeNewsProject-CapstoneProject.git [your folder name you want it to be cloned to]
- OR
git clone https://github.com/sestissi16/WhosFakeNewsProject-CapstoneProject.git [your folder name you want it to be cloned to]
cd [path to your folder name that you cloned this to]
- Then to run this project type
npm client-start
This starts only the react server because the backend server and postgress is not up and running. I should have saved all the dependencies so that there is no need to manually install all of them. If this is not the case, you can go to the dependency section of the FullDocumentation.md that is included in this repository and follow the steps I took to install them.
In the future, you will be able to just copy and paste the link to my website to view.
This will be a repo that I am updating in the future and not everything is working properly yet. For more information or if something isn't working correctly, you can email me at [email protected].