Clusterium is a Bayesian nonparametric toolkit for text clustering, analysis, and benchmarking that leverages state-of-the-art embedding models and statistical validation techniques.
- Dirichlet Process Clustering: Implements the Dirichlet Process for text clustering
- Pitman-Yor Process Clustering: Implements the Pitman-Yor Process for text clustering with improved performance
- Evaluation: Evaluates clustering results using a variety of metrics, including Silhouette Score, Davies-Bouldin Index, and Power-law Analysis
- Visualization: Generates plots of cluster size distributions
# Install the package
pip install clusx
# Basic clustering with default parameters
clusx cluster --input your_data.txt
# Evaluate clustering results
clusx evaluate \
--input your_data.txt \
--dp-clusters output/clusters_output_dp.csv \
--pyp-clusters output/clusters_output_pyp.csv
That's it! The tool uses optimized default parameters and saves all outputs to the output
For interactive visualization during evaluation, add the --show-plot
clusx evaluate \
--input your_data.txt \
--dp-clusters output/clusters_output_dp.csv \
--pyp-clusters output/clusters_output_pyp.csv \
The default parameters are optimized based on extensive testing:
- Dirichlet Process: α=0.5, variance=0.3
- Pitman-Yor Process: α=0.3, σ=0.3, variance=0.3
For advanced usage and parameter tuning, see the Usage Guide.
from clusx.clustering import DirichletProcess, PitmanYorProcess
from clusx.clustering.utils import load_data
# Load data
texts = load_data("your_data.txt")
# Perform clustering with default parameters
dp = DirichletProcess(alpha=0.5) # Dirichlet Process
clusters_dp, _ =
pyp = PitmanYorProcess(alpha=0.3, sigma=0.3) # Pitman-Yor Process
clusters_pyp, _ =
# Print number of clusters found
print(f"DP found {len(set(clusters_dp))} clusters")
print(f"PYP found {len(set(clusters_pyp))} clusters")
For more advanced usage, including saving results and evaluation, see the Usage Guide.
For detailed installation instructions, please see the Installation Guide. And for usage instructions, use cases, examples, and advanced configuration options, please see the Usage Guide.
Clusterium is released under the MIT License, its documentation lives at Read the Docs, the code on GitHub, and the latest release on PyPI. It's rigorously tested on Python 3.11+.
If you'd like to contribute to Clusterium you're most welcome!
Should you have any question, any remark, or if you find a bug, or if there is something you can't do with the Clusterium, please open an issue.