A simple PHP library to interact with the Bunny Stream API.
In order to interact with the API you need the API Access Information (Stream->{Library}->API)
composer require serch3/bunny-stream
Create an instance of the \Bunny\Stream\Client with the authentication details:
$client = new \Bunny\Stream\Client('API_KEY', 'LIBRARY_ID');
$client->listVideos($search, $page, $items, $collection, $orderby); //filtered results
if set, the response will be filtered to only contain videos that contain the search termstring
Page number. Default is 1int
Number of results per page. Default is 100int
If set, the response will only contain videos that belong to this collection Idstring
Determines the ordering of the result within the response. date/titlestring
ID of the video string
$body = [
'title' => '...',
'collectionId' => '...',
'chapters' => [
'title' => 'Chapter 1',
'start' => 0,
'end' => 300,
'moments' => [
'label' => 'Awesome Scene 1',
'timestamp' => 70,
'metaTags' => [
'property' => 'description',
'value' => 'My Video Description',
$client->updateVideo($videoId, $body);
Id of the video string
Updated video details array
Id of the video that will be permanently deleted string
$client->createVideo($title, $collectionId, $thumbnailTime);
Title of the video string
Collection Idstring
Video time in ms to extract the main video thumbnailint32
$client->uploadVideoWithVideoId($videoId, $path, $enabledResolutions);
Id of the video entry string
Video file path string
Custom resolutions for the videostring
$client->uploadVideo($title, $path, $collectionId, $thumbnailTime, $enabledResolutions);
Title of the video string
Video file path string
Collection Idstring
Video time in ms to extract the main video thumbnailint32
Custom resolutions for the videostring
$client->setVideoThumbnail($videoId, $url);
Id of the video string
accessible thumbnail url string
Id of the video string
$client->getVideoPlayData($videoId, $token, $expires);
Id of the video string
Token to authenticate the requeststring
Expiry time of the tokenint64
$query = [
'dateFrom' => 'm-d-Y',
'dateTo' => 'm-d-Y',
'hourly' => false,
'videoGuid' => '...',
$client->getVideoStatistics($videoId, $query);
Id of the video string
:- dateFrom - The start date of the statistics. If no value is passed, the last 30 days will be returned.
- dateTo - The end date of the statistics. If no value is passed, the last 30 days will be returned.
- hourly - If true, the statistics data will be returned in hourly groupping.
- videoGuid - The GUID of the video for which the statistics will be returned
- dateFrom - The start date of the statistics. If no value is passed, the last 30 days will be returned.
Id of the video string
$client->addOutputCodec($videoId, $codec);
Id of the video string
Output codec to be added int
- 0 = x264
- 1 = vp9
- 2 = hevc
- 3 = av1
$client->repackageVideo($videoId, $keepOriginalFiles);
Id of the video string
Marks whether previous file versions should be kept in storage, allows for faster repackage later on. Default is true.
$client->fetchVideo($url, $title, $collectionId, $thumbnailTime, $headers);
The URL from which the video will be fetched from. string
Title of the videostring
Collection Idstring
Video time in ms to extract the main video thumbnailint32
Additional headers that will be sent along with the fetch request.array
$client->addCaption($videoId, $srclang, $path, $label);
Id of the video string
Language shortcode for the caption. string
Caption file path (.vtt/.srt) string
Label of the captionstring
$client->deleteCaption($videoId, $srclang);
Id of the video string
Language shortcode for the caption. string
$client->transcribeVideo($videoId, $language, $force);
Id of the video string
Language code for the transcription string
Default is false bool
Id of the video string
$config = [
'deleteNonConfiguredResolutions' => true,
'deleteOriginal' => false,
'deleteMp4Files' => true,
'dryRun' => false,
$resolutions = "240p,360p,480p";
$client->cleanupResolutions($videoId, $resolutions, $query);
Id of the video string
List of resolutions to be removed array
:- resolutionsToDelete - List of resolutions to be removed
- deleteNonConfiguredResolutions - If set to true, all resolutions that are not configured in the video will be removed
- deleteOriginal - If set to true, the original file will be removed.
- deleteMp4Files - If set to true, all mp4 files will be removed.
- dryRun - If set to true, no actual file manipulation will happen, only informational data will be returned.
- resolutionsToDelete - List of resolutions to be removed
$client->listCollections($search, $page, $items, $orderby, $includeThumbnails);
if set, the response will be filtered to only contain collections that contain the search termstring
Page number. Default is 1int
Number of results per page. Default is 100int
Determines the ordering of the result within the response. date/titlestring
If set to true, the response will include the thumbnail for each collection. Default is falsebool
$client->getCollection($collectionId, $includeThumbnails);
Id of the collection string
If set to true, the response will include the thumbnail URL for the collection. Default is falsebool
Name of the collection string
$client->updateCollection($collectionId, $name);
Id of the collection string
Updated name of the collection string
Id of the collection to be deleted string
All methods return an associative array with the response from the API, or an exception if an error occurs. Check reference for specific responses.