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Debian Image for SG200x based boards such as Milk Duo256/DuoS and Sipeed LicheeRVNano

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This branch is 265 commits ahead of Fishwaldo/sophgo-sg200x-debian:master.

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Debian Images for Sophgo cv181x/sg200x based boards

This repository builds debian images for Sophgo cv181x/sg200x based boards such as MilkV Duo256/DuoS and Sipeed LicheeRvNano/NanoKVM.

(Note, we don't support the MilkV Duo, as it does not have enough ram to run Debian)

The images aim to be as close to possible to debian best practices as possible

Flashing the Image

Duo256, DuoS, and LicheeRVNano

To flash from linux, either build your own image and then run the following command:

sudo dd if=image/(board)_sd.img of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress

... or download a image from the releases page, and then run the following command:

lz4 -cd (board)_sd.img.lz4 | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress

From windows, you can use tools such as balena etcher

where the (board)_sd.img is the image file you want to flash, and /dev/sdX is the device you want to flash to. (if you build for a different board, the image file name will be different)

DuoS with EMMC

To flash the DuoS with EMMC, you need to use the vendor tools to flash the image to the EMMC. You can follow the instructions at but instead of downloading the file, you download the from the releases on this repository.

if you already have a image installed, but wish to upgrade, when u-boot loads up, interupt the boot process by pressing any key and typing the following commands:


The flashing should then continue

Image Info

Logins: root/rv and debian/rv

(root login is disabled via SSH, login via debian, and SU to root if needed)

USB Gadget Support

by default, a rndis interface is started on the USB port, and the IP address is 10.x.y.1 - It also starts a DHCP Server on that interface, so your PC should automatically get an IP address in the 10.x.y.z range

To Disable the rndis interface, you can run the following command:

rm /boot/usb.rndis

There is also a option to start a serial port (ACM) interface instead of the rndis interface, to do this, you can run the following command:

rm /boot/usb.rndis
touch /boot/usb.GS0

After executing these commands, you need to reboot.

DuoS - USB Type A Port

After disabling the usb-gadgets, if you want to use the USB Type A Ports, then you need to turn them on:

rm /boot/
systemctl enable usb-switch

and reboot afterwards.

Wifi on DuoS/LicheeRVNano

For the LicheeRVNano/DuoS board, Wifi is enabled. To connect to your wifi network, execute the following command and select "Activate a connection" and select your wifi network:

touch /boot/wifi.sta
echo "My WiFi" | tee /boot/wifi.ssid
echo "Pa$$w0rd" /boot/wifi.pass


For Boards with eithernet, they should automatically get a IP address if your network has a DHCP Server. You can configure the ethernet port in /etc/network/interfaces.d/end0

Camera/ISP/Panel Support

The images are based on the vendor 5.10 kernel and osdrv, also including the following drivers:

  • mipi-rx/csi drivers
  • mipi-tx/dsi drivers
  • TPU Drivers
  • Any of the Video Encoding Drivers

The extra drivers are build on a separate package called cvitek-osdrv-(board), they will be installed to /mnt/system/ko

The libs and samples are build on a separate package called cvitek-middleware-(board), they will be installed to /mnt/system/usr

The images, by default, allocate minimum amount of memory for the ION heap to use vi/venc, so you get more memory for the OS

Ardunio/Freertos Support

Support is disabled on my images because the small C906 core is used by ISP.

Additional Packages

This image also adds the debian repository for board-related packages so you can install additional repositories. The debian repository is hosted at which pulls down the compiled debian packages from the above github repository occasionally.

Available debian packages:

  • cvi-pinmux-cv181x
    Contains a tool named cvi_pinmux which allows to change the function of the pins (GPIO, SPI etc.).
  • firmware-aic8800-cv181x
    Firmware for the on-board WiFi.
  • firmware-vcodec-cv181x
    Firmware for the video encoder/decoder running on the small C906 core.

…and board-specific packages like:

  • board-support-licheervnano-kvm
    Meta package, installs all board-specific packages.
  • cvitek-fsbl-licheervnano
    The boot loader (including opensbi and u-boot).
  • cvitek-middleware-licheervnano
    Libs and samples for the ISP (vi/vo/venc/vdec etc.).
  • cvitek-osdrv-licheervnano-kvm
    Additional kernel drivers (required for camera support etc.).
  • device-key-licheervnano
    Startup script that sets the Ethernet MAC address and hostname based on the hash off the device uuid.
  • duo-pinmux-duos
    Same as cvi-pinmux but customized for Milk-V Duo series boards.
  • ethernet-leds-duos
    Startup script to enable ethernet LED triggers.
  • gadget-nic-licheervnano
    Startup script to setup USB Gadget NCM/RNDIS networking.
  • hciattach-uart-duos
    Startup script to attach bluetooth to UART.
  • linux-headers-licheervnano-kvm
    The kernel headers for the board.
  • linux-image-licheervnano-kvm
    The kernel customized for the board.
  • load-systemko-licheervnano
    Startup script that loads the additional drivers (see cvitek-osdrv-licheervnano-kvm).
  • nanokvm-licheervnano
    NanoKVM Server that provides the web interface to control your device.
  • sensor-config-licheervnano
    Configuration files and parameters required to initialize the camera sensor.
  • usb-device-licheervnano
    Startup script to setup USB gadget devices.
  • usb-switch-duos
    Startup script to enable the USB switch.
  • wifi-builtin-licheervnano
    Startup scripts to initialize the on-board WiFi.

The package names are depending on the board you are using (licheervnano, duo256 or duos) and the variant (kvm = NanoKVM, e = all others). For example if you want the kernel for Milk-V Duo256 the package is called linux-image-duo256-e.

Building the Image

To build a stock image with no modifications:

podman run --privileged -it --rm -v ./configs/:/configs -v ./image:/output make BOARD=licheervnano image

Replace the licheervnano with the board you want to build for:

  • duo256
  • duos
  • licheervnano

If you want to create a image for the DuoS with EMMC, you can add "STORAGE_TYPE=emmc" to the make command:

podman run --privileged -it --rm -v ./configs/:/configs -v ./image:/output make BOARD=duos STORAGE_TYPE=emmc image

If you want to create a image for the NanoKVM, you can add "VARIANT=kvm" to the make command:

podman run --privileged -it --rm -v ./configs/:/configs -v ./image:/output make BOARD=licheervnano VARIANT=kvm image

The Docker image will build the image and place it in the image directory

addition make targets are available when building:

  • image - builds the image
  • clean - cleans the build directory
  • linux - build a kernel debian package
  • fsbl - build the fsbl debain package (that includes cvitek-fsbl, opensbi and u-boot)

Customizing the Image

The configs directory contains patches, configuration and device tree files that are used to build the image.

The configs/common directory contains the common configuration for all boards, and the configs/licheervnano and configs/duo256 directories contain the board specific configuration.

To add packages to the image, either add the package name in PACKAGES variable of configs/ or if the packae is specific to a board, add it to the configs/<board>/ file

Patches for the kernel, opensbi, u-boot or fsbl can be placed in configs/common/patches/ or configs/<board>/patches/ depending what they are for.

To assist with developing the image, you can get a shell in the docker container by running:

docker run --privileged -it --rm -v ./configs/:/configs -v ./image:/output -v ./scripts/:/builder builder /bin/bash

inside the container, packages are build in the /builder/ directory, and the rootfs is placed at /rootfs/ directory


  • DeviceTree Overlay Support
  • Add support for the TPU drivers
  • Possibly mainline kernel support via the sophgo linux for-next repositories


Debian Image for SG200x based boards such as Milk Duo256/DuoS and Sipeed LicheeRVNano






  • Makefile 48.4%
  • Shell 25.4%
  • Python 20.2%
  • C 5.0%
  • Dockerfile 1.0%