- pangenome extraction following the protein alignment.
- extract the sequences from the alignment for all the regions that were aligned.
- writing code for all these separately and after that it will be merged into a single rust-webapplication.
- please see the last commit message and if it says compiled binary then it is completed or else still in development version.
cargo build
╭─gauravsablok@fedora ~/Downloads/rust-pangenome-main
╰─➤ ./rust-pangenome -h
Usage: rust-pangenome <ALIGNMENT_ARG> <FASTA_ARG>
<ALIGNMENT_ARG> please provide the kmer to be searched for the origin
<FASTA_ARG> please provide the path to be searched for the strings containing the kmer
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
./target/debug/rust-pangenome ./sample-files/aln.gff ./sample-files/final.fa
Gaurav Sablok