Control TortoiseGIT from within Visual Studio
- Install the TGIT extension
- Install TortoiseGIT (
- Install MSysGit (
TGIT has several GitFlow options: "Develop branch prefix", "Feature branches prefix", "Master branch prefix", "Release branches prefix". These options determine the prefix of the branches used in the gitflow branching model.
TGIT also has an option to specify a default commit message. You can change this to regular text or use the folowing macros:
So what exactly are those gitflow menu items doing?
- Switch to the develop branch
- Pull latest changes on develop
- Create and switch to a new branch
- Switch to the develop branch
- Pull latest changes on develop
- Merge the feature branch to develop
- Delete the local feature branch
- Delete the remote feature branch
- Push all changes to develop
- Switch to the develop branch
- Pull latest changes on develop
- Create and switch to a new release branch
- Switch to the master branch
- Pull latest changes on master
- Merge the release branch to master
- Tag the release
- Switch to the develop branch
- Pull latest changes on develop
- Merge the release branch to develop
- Delete the local release branch
- Delete the remote release branch
- Push all changes to develop
- Push all changes to master
- Push the tag