oc new-build https://github.com/etsauer/rdu-consulting-demo.git --name=rdu-php-demo --strategy=docker --docker-image=registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/php-56-rhel7 -n openshift
Add the following line to Dockerfile:
ADD security.txt /opt/app-root/etc/security.txt
Run the following:
oc start-build rdu-php-demo -n openshift
- Click "New Project"
- Enter the following project name "rdu-user{X}-demo"
- Search for the template named
- (optional) Fork cakephp git repo, and replace the default git repo with yours
- Click "Create"
- Inspect the pod using the Terminal feature. Specifically check the
directory. - Sit back and watch while the Operator builds a new image
- Inspect the pod again and see what's different