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Open Task

Open Task is an Open Source tool developed by Gunnar Correa, with it, it is possible to manage tasks, teams, upload files and images, create discussion forums within each task, among other operations.

Written in PHP 7.2 and with MariaDB database.

The software was created with the intention of replacing some paid alternatives found in the market and also, bringing something modern and updated to the community. There are several similar tools, but with installation problems, legacy and unresponsive interface, little documentation, among other problems.

The installation requires a single initial configuration, and after that process, no further configuration or adjustment is necessary.

The only files that need to be changed are the .htaccess root and App/Config/config.php. It is also necessary to install the MySQL/MariaDB database and execute the insert to create a user with an administrator level.


I created a database for your application, here we will use the name opentask, as an example.

After creating the opentask database, copy the contents of the Docs/Database/SQL.txt file and run in your SGBD, but remember to select the opentask database.


Note that in the SQL.txt file, there are instructions pointing to the opentask database, if that is not the name of your database, then replace all occurrences of opentask for your database, ex: opentask => mysite_opentask.

With the database and tables installed, a username and password is required to access the system with an administrator level, so run the sql below.

INSERT INTO `user` (`id`, `us_name`, `us_email`, `us_login`, `us_password`, `us_permission`, `us_status`, `us_register`, `us_last_login`) VALUES
(4, 'Admin sys', '[email protected]', 'admin.sys', '$2y$10$M.w36VNczE3Zbv29CE21TOmRKRCgCUtNnk86rVmdZTOM8eTdJcLM6', 1, 1, '2020-02-12 21:57:27', '0000-00-00 00:00:00');

User: admin.sys

Password: admin123

If everything has gone well so far, then your database settings and installations are complete.

Configuring the application

The configuration on the server is very simple, let's start with .htaccess.


This file has some settings, among them and the main one, is to send the user to the public folder.

In line 6, we have the following code:

RewriteRule ^((?!public/).*)$ opentask/public/$1 [L,NC] 

Notice that we have the name opentask, which refers to the folder in which the project is located, so if your project is in root, just leave public/. If your project is in another directory, point the path to the public folder, such as: myserver/opentask/public/.

We just need to make this change, nothing else is needed in this file.


There are many configurations here, but the vast majority you shouldn't touch, as it directly impacts the way the framework was built. If you have the necessary knowledge, feel free to modify the code and adjust to your needs.

Line 3: Enter the directory for the root of your project, if it is root, leave only a forward slash (/).

Line 6: to make the adjustment on that line, which is the most important, assign the value true on line 7, so when you access your project in the browser, you will be able to see the URI being returned.

Access your project and include: controller/method/param in the URL, eg: The constant URI_UNLINK_COUNT, contains the number of directories that we want to remove, so, if you are at the root of the site, assign the value 1, if it is in other directories, enter the number of directories, as our page should only show controller…/param. Once you're done, don't forget to set the value to false on line 7.

Line 9, 10, 11 and 12: receive the parameters for connection to the database.

Line 15: Default password when a password is reset, as the admin does not have the option to enter a new password, but the user has this option when logged into his account.

Line 18, 19 and 20: Here you enter the date, time and Timezone data for your application.

Line 32 and 33: Specifies the size of the files allowed in the upload, then assign a value in MegaBytes. In this case, it is already configured with default values, change if necessary.

Line 34: List with allowed MIME types.

Line 44: With the value true, the files will be renamed dynamically, if you want to keep the default file name, assign the false value. Remember, if you upload files with the same name, then they will be overwritten.

Youtube Open Task Installation Guide - []


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