Releases: sascha-egerer/phpstan-typo3
Releases · sascha-egerer/phpstan-typo3
What's Changed
- PHPStan 2 Compatibility – This version is exclusively compatible with PHPStan 2.
- TYPO3 13 Compatibility – Support for older TYPO3 versions has been dropped.
- Code Cleanup – General improvements and refinements.
Focus of this Release
This update is primarily aimed at new TYPO3 projects.
If you need to maintain compatibility with older TYPO3 versions in your extension development, you should continue using version 1.
Ongoing Development
- Version 1 Development: Will continue at v1 branch.
- Main Development: Now continues in the main branch (formerly known as master).
🔗 Full Changelog: Compare 1.10.2 → 2.0.0
What's Changed
- [TASK] Use
whereever possible by @oliverklee in #166 - [BUGFIX] Avoid warnings about
with PHPStan 1.11.9 by @oliverklee in #168 - [TASK] Port some type annotation improvements from the Core by @oliverklee in #170
- [TASK] Rename stub file to match the name of the stubbed interface by @oliverklee in #169
Full Changelog: 1.10.1...1.10.2
Add TYPO3 13.1 compatibility
What's Changed
- [!!!][TASK] Drop support for TYPO3 10LTS by @oliverklee in #151
- [TASK] Use Type declarations and remove redundant docblocks by @sabbelasichon in #154
- [FEATURE] Add rule to check if service is private by @sabbelasichon in #152
- Update dependencies and make php-parse a dev dependency by @sascha-egerer in #160
Full Changelog: 1.10.0...1.10.1
Add TYPO3 13 compatibility and update bunch of dependencies
Special thanks to @oliverklee who took care of all the changes.
What's Changed
- [TASK] Upgrade to PHPUnit 9 by @oliverklee in #144
- [FEATURE] Add support for TYPO3 13.0 by @oliverklee in #146
- [TASK] Also run CI with PHP 8.3 by @oliverklee in #147
- [TASK] Bump the development dependencies by @oliverklee in #143
- [TASK] Bump PHPStan to ^1.10.9 by @oliverklee in #150
- [TASK] Make the data providers static by @oliverklee in #145
Full Changelog: 1.9.1...1.10.0
What's Changed
- [BUGFIX] Do not try to find model for abstract repository by @sascha-egerer in #141
Full Changelog: 1.9.0...1.9.1
What's Changed
- [TASK] add extbase as request attribute by @achimfritz in #136
- TASK: Add static analysis as keyword by @sabbelasichon in #139
- TASK: Provide stub for EventDispatcherInterface by @sabbelasichon in #137
New Contributors
- @achimfritz made their first contribution in #136
Full Changelog: 1.8.9...1.9.0
What's Changed
- TASK: Add better documentation by @sabbelasichon in #128
- [FEATURE] Add dynamic return type extension for UserAspect::get() by @alexanderschnitzler in #130
- [FEATURE] Add dynamic return type extension for DateTimeAspect::get() by @alexanderschnitzler in #131
- TASK: Remove branch alias by @sabbelasichon in #132
New Contributors
- @alexanderschnitzler made their first contribution in #130
Full Changelog: 1.8.5...1.8.9
What's Changed
- [TASK] Bump the development dependencies by @oliverklee in #122
- [TASK] Add currentContentObject to typo3.requestGetAttributeMapping by @derhansen in #120
- TASK: Add dynamic return type extension for getIndpEnv by @sabbelasichon in #126
- Added
request attribute mapping by @derhansen in #123 - Drop support for < PHP 7.4 and update dev dependencies by @sascha-egerer in #127
- [TASK] Use TYPO3 12.4 for TYPO3 12 by @oliverklee in #121
New Contributors
- @derhansen made their first contribution in #120
Full Changelog: 1.8.4...1.8.5
What's Changed
- [TASK] Use TYPO3 12.3 for TYPO3 12 by @oliverklee in #118
- [BUGFIX] Fix fatal error in QueryInterfaceDynamicReturnTypeExtension by @sascha-egerer in #119
Full Changelog: 1.8.3...1.8.4
What's Changed
- TASK: Add MathUtilityTypeSpecifyingExtension by @sabbelasichon in #108
- Set the minimal TYPO3 12LTS version to 12.2 by @oliverklee in #110
- [BUGFIX] Fix type annotation in the
stub by @oliverklee in #117 - Load TYPO3 version specific stubs by @sascha-egerer in #116
- [BUGFIX] Include default value passed to
by @eliashaeussler in #113
New Contributors
- @eliashaeussler made their first contribution in #113
Full Changelog: 1.8.2...1.8.3