Univeristy of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Kolkata, West Bengal, India
- sarthak-chakraborty.github.io
- @sarthak0407
- Pro
Personal Website of Sarthak Chakraborty
acto Public
Forked from xlab-uiuc/actoPush-Button End-to-End Testing of Kubernetes Operators and Controllers
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 19, 2024 -
ESRO Public
This is the official repository for the code used in the paper ESRO: Experience Assisted Service Reliability against Outages (ASE 2023).
Distributed_Systems Public
[CS 425][UIUC] Course Assignments for Distributed Systems Class in UIUC. Implemented a miniature version of Hadoop capable of running Map-Reduce tasks
PARIMA is a viewport adaptive 360-degree video streaming algorithm that takes into account the prime object trajectories as well as the head movement logs to predict the future viewports accurately
CausIL Public
CausIL is an approach to estimate the causal graph for a cloud microservice system, where the nodes are the service-specific metrics while edges indicate causal dependency among the metrics. The ap…
FL-CrossChain Public
It is the official repository for the paper Proof of Federated Training: Accountable Cross-Network Model Training and Inference, published at IEEE ICBC 2022
HCNE-ScalableDataMining Public
Term Research Project for the course Scalable Data Mining [IIT Kgp] (CS60021)
C++ UpdatedNov 28, 2022 -
FedBN Public
Forked from med-air/FedBN[ICLR'21] FedBN: Federated Learning on Non-IID Features via Local Batch Normalization
Python UpdatedDec 10, 2021 -
PySyft Public
Forked from OpenMined/PySyftA library for answering questions using data you cannot see
Python UpdatedOct 29, 2021 -
academicpages.github.io Public
Forked from academicpages/academicpages.github.ioGithub Pages template for academic personal websites, forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 16, 2021 -
Distributed Collaborative Editor including Passive Replication and Fault Tolerance implemented as a term project for the course Distributed Systems (CS60002) [IIT Kgp]
PedalPals_Web Public
Web based Bicycle Rental Portal developed as a mini-project for DBMS (CS43002) Course, IITKGP
PedalPals_Android Public
Android based Bicycle Rental Portal developed as a mini-project for DBMS (CS43002) course, IITKGP
CIFAR100_ImageRecognition Public
Forked from chetnakhanna16/CIFAR100_ImageRecognitionCIFAR-100 Image Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 28, 2020 -
martini Public
Forked from go-martini/martiniClassy web framework for Go
Go MIT License UpdatedDec 22, 2020 -
SocComp-Assgn Public
Assignments for the Course Social Computing (CS60017) [IITKGP]
Python UpdatedDec 15, 2020 -
pyschedcl-concurrent Public
Forked from anighose25/pyschedcl-concurrentA Scheduling Framework that leverages concurrency in data parallel systems
C MIT License UpdatedDec 10, 2020 -
Advanced-Database-Coursework Public
Class assignments for the course Advanced Database Systems (CS60113) [IIT Kgp]
Advanced-OS-Coursework Public
Class Assignments for Advanced in Operating System Course (CS60038) [IIT Kgp]
Multimodal-Emo-Detection Public
Forked from sankalpramesh/Multimodal-Emo-DetectionMulti-modal Emotion Recognition in Conversations using MELD dataset
Python UpdatedAug 19, 2020 -
examples Public
Forked from tensorflow/examplesTensorFlow examples
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 19, 2020 -
Image Segmentation on 3 popular datasets using Unet and DeepLab model
TF-Lite Public
Tensorflow to TFLite Conversion for Model Personalization
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 26, 2020 -
tensorflow Public
Forked from tensorflow/tensorflowAn Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 17, 2020 -
awesome-federated-computing Public
Forked from ayushtiwari/awesome-federated-computing📚 👓 A collection of research papers, codes, tutorials and blogs on Federated Computing/Learning.
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedMay 5, 2020 -