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samipourquoi committed Feb 8, 2021
1 parent e656811 commit 0156dd2
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Showing 2 changed files with 75 additions and 27 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion donut-hs.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ executable donut-hs
main-is: Main.hs
other-modules: Data.Vector
build-depends: base >=4.14 && <4.15,
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
99 changes: 73 additions & 26 deletions src/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,41 +2,63 @@ module Main where

import Data.Vector
import System.Console.Terminal.Size
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Ix
import Data.List.Split

type NormalVector = Vector

type Luminance = Float

type ShapePoint = (Vector Float, NormalVector Float)

type ShadedPoint = (Vector Float, Luminance)

type ScreenPos = (Int, Int)

type RenderablePoint = (ScreenPos, Char)

type Grid = [[Char]]

k :: Float
k = 15
k2 :: Float
k2 = 5
k2 = 10

-- | A torus is essentially a circle cloned around a central point;
-- we thus define r as being the radius of the circle,
r :: Float
r = 1
r = 3
-- and r2 a being the distance between the center of the
-- circle and the central point of the torus.
r2 :: Float
r2 = 2

-- | Generates every point of a circle of radius r and
-- center c.
generateCircle :: [Vector Float]
generateCircle = map ((+) (Vector r2 0 0) . vradius) [0.0,0.2..2*pi]
generateCircle :: [ShapePoint]
generateCircle = map generatePoint [0.0,0.5..2*pi]
generatePoint :: Float -> ShapePoint
generatePoint theta = (Vector r2 0 0 + vradius theta, vnormal theta)

-- | Generates a vector corresponding to the
-- radius, rotated by the given angle theta.
-- It is centered at point (0,0,0); we need to add that
-- vector the vector c.
vradius :: Float -> Vector Float
vradius theta = Vector (r * cos theta) (r * sin theta) 0

-- | The surface normal of one of the point of the circle is
-- basically the same as a point on a unit circle centered at (0,0,0).
-- We do that to make computations easier.
vnormal :: Float -> NormalVector Float
vnormal theta = Vector (cos theta) (sin theta) 0

-- | Generates every point at the surface of a torus of center c,
-- rotated on the x-axis by A and on the y-axis by B.
generateTorus :: Float -> Float -> [Vector Float]
generateTorus a b = concatMap (circle a b) [0.0,0.1..2*pi]
generateTorus :: Float -> Float -> [ShadedPoint]
generateTorus a b = concatMap circle [0.0,0.2..2*pi]
-- | Precomputes some values.
sin_A = sin a
Expand All @@ -46,44 +68,69 @@ generateTorus a b = concatMap (circle a b) [0.0,0.1..2*pi]

-- | Calculate one of the "slice" of the torus,
-- by rotating a circle by A and B.
circle :: Float -> Float -> Float -> [Vector Float]
circle a b phi = map (rotate phi) generateCircle
circle :: Float -> [ShadedPoint]
circle phi = map (luminance . bimap rotate rotate) generateCircle
sin_phi = sin phi
cos_phi = cos phi

-- | Applies a rotation matrix to a point.
rotate phi (Vector x y z) = Vector
rotate :: Vector Float -> Vector Float
rotate (Vector x y z) = Vector
((x * (cos_B * cos_phi + sin_A * sin_B * sin_phi)) - y * cos_A * cos_B)
((x * (sin_B * cos_phi - cos_A * sin_B * sin_phi)) + y * cos_A * cos_B)
(x * cos_A * sin_phi + y * sin_A)

-- | Computes the luminance of a point based of its normal vector,
-- against the light vector (0,1,-1).
luminance :: ShapePoint -> ShadedPoint
luminance (point, Vector _ ny nz) = (point, ny - nz)

luminanceToChar :: Luminance -> Char
luminanceToChar l
| l > 0 = chars !! index
| otherwise = ' '
sqrt2 = 1.4142135624
chars = ".,-~:;=!*#$@"
maxIndex = fromIntegral (length chars - 1)
index = floor $ l * maxIndex / sqrt2

zbuffer :: [(Vector Float, RenderablePoint)] -> [RenderablePoint]
zbuffer coordinates = map (solve . conflicts) $ [ (x, y) | y <- take 24 [0..], x <- take 40 [0..] ] --((0,0), (80,24))
conflicts :: ScreenPos -> [(Vector Float, RenderablePoint)]
conflicts pos
| null filtered = [(Vector 0 0 0, (pos, ' '))]
| otherwise = filtered
where filtered = filter ((== pos) . fst . snd) coordinates

solve :: [(Vector Float, RenderablePoint)] -> RenderablePoint
solve = snd . foldl1 vmax
vmax v@(Vector x y z,_) v'@(Vector _ _ maxZ,_)
| z > maxZ = v
| otherwise = v'

-- | Projects a vector to a point on the screen.
project :: Vector Float -> ScreenPos
project v@(Vector _ _ z) = pair . fmap (round . (* (k/(k2 + z)))) $ v
where pair (Vector x y _) = (x, y)
where pair (Vector x y _) = (x+20, y+12)

-- | Creates our final render made out of char,
-- based on screen coordinates that must get rendered.
renderScreenCoordinates :: [ScreenPos] -> Grid
renderScreenCoordinates coordinates =
map (concatMap (\cell -> if mustRender cell then ".." else " ")) gridCoordinates
gridCoordinates :: [[ScreenPos]]
gridCoordinates = [
[ (x, y) | x <- take 40 [0..] ]
| y <- take 24 [0..] ]

mustRender :: ScreenPos -> Bool
mustRender (x,y) = (x-20, y-12) `elem` coordinates
-- Checkout:
renderScreenCoordinates :: [RenderablePoint] -> Grid
renderScreenCoordinates = chunksOf 80 . concatMap ((\c -> c:[c]) . snd)

-- | Starts the rendering process.
render :: Window Int -> [[Char]]
render win@(Window w h) = coordinates
coordinates = renderScreenCoordinates $
map project $
generateTorus (pi/2) (pi/2)
render win@(Window w h) = do
let torus = generateTorus (pi/2) (pi/2)
let renderable = map (\(pos, lum) -> (pos, (project pos, luminanceToChar lum))) torus :: [(Vector Float, RenderablePoint)]
let zbuffered = zbuffer renderable

renderScreenCoordinates zbuffered

main :: IO ()
main = do
Expand Down

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