This repository contains the source code for the script which automates the process of requesting LinkedIn access key for your application.
- Calling of the script with client id, client secret, redirect url of the application and the list of permissions required.
- Going to the url generated by the application and allowing the usage of requested permissions.
- Redirection to the redirect url passed to cli.
- Copying the "code" request parameter from redirect url and passing it to the script.
- If code will match, the script will print the access key for the LinkedIn application.
- --help get a help message from the script.
- -c <value> or --client-id <value> allows to pass a client id of the LinkedIn application (required).
- -s <value> or --client-secret <value> allows to pass a client secret of the LinkedIn application (required).
- -p <value>... or --permissions <value>... accepts the values of permissions (one or multiple) requested for the application (required).
- -r <value> or --redirect-url <value> accepts the redirect url for the application. It must match with those in application configuration (required).