console.log('Welcome here');
π Public repositories on my Github profile are primarily for hobby and practice purposes. If you are looking for real-world projects, please do not hesitate to contact me
Github profilimdeki genel depolar ΓΆncelikle hobi ve pratik amaΓ§lar iΓ§in hizmet vermektedir. GerΓ§ek dΓΌnya projeleri arΔ±yorsanΔ±z, lΓΌtfen benimle iletiΕime geΓ§mekten Γ§ekinmeyin

__ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _| | (_) ____ (_) | | | | | ___ __ _| |_ __ _ _ __| |_ / __ \ __ _ _| |_| |__ _ _| |__ / __|/ _` | _/ _` | '__| | |/ / _` |/ _` | | __| '_ \| | | | '_ \ \__ \ (_| | || (_| | | | | | | (_| | (_| | | |_| | | | |_| | |_) | |___/\__,_|_| \__,_|_| |_|_|\ \__,_|\__, |_|\__|_| |_|\__,_|_.__/ \____/ __/ | |___/
π» Dealing with Computers, since 2004
- π€₯ Be honest.
- π Respect other people.
- β° Respect schedules and deadlines.
- π Dress appropriately in the workplace.
- π Respect the privacy of others.
- π ββοΈ Do not touch other people's personal belongings at work.
- π΅ Use your phone for work-related purposes only and attend to personal matters during your own time. If you must take a call, be as quiet as possible and do not disturb others. Also, respect the privacy of others in the workplace and avoid discussing private matters over the phone.
- π Follow the smoking ban.
- πΊ If the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in the workplace, adhere to this rule.
- π€« Do not disturb other people in the workplace.
- π€₯ DΓΌrΓΌst olun.
- π DiΔer insanlara saygΔ± gΓΆsterin.
- β° Saatlerine ve takvimlerine saygΔ± gΓΆsterin.
- π Δ°Εyerinde uygun giyinin.
- π Γzel hayatΔ±n gizliliΔine saygΔ± gΓΆsterin.
- π ββοΈ Δ°Εyerinde diΔer insanlarΔ±n ΓΆzel eΕyalarΔ±na dokunmayΔ±n.
- π΅ Δ°Εyerinde, telefonunuzu sadece iΕle ilgili konular iΓ§in kullanΔ±n ve kiΕisel iΕlerinizi ΓΆzel zamanlarda halledin. Telefonla konuΕmak zorunda kalΔ±rsanΔ±z, mΓΌmkΓΌn olduΔunca sessiz olun ve diΔer insanlarΔ± rahatsΔ±z etmeyin. AyrΔ±ca, iΕyerindeki diΔer insanlarΔ±n gizliliΔine saygΔ± gΓΆsterin ve telefonla konuΕurken ΓΆzel konularΔ± tartΔ±Εmaktan kaΓ§Δ±nΔ±n.
- π Sigara iΓ§me yasaΔΔ±na uyun.
- πΊ AlkollΓΌ iΓ§eceklerin iΕyerinde tΓΌketimi yasaklanmΔ±Εsa bu kurala uyun.
- π€« Δ°Εyerinde diΔer insanlarΔ± rahatsΔ±z etmeyin.
- Follow the project's contribution guidelines and coding standards.
- Ensure that your code is well-documented and easy to understand.
- Respect the project maintainers and their decisions.
- Be courteous and professional when communicating with other contributors.
- Test your code thoroughly before submitting a pull request.
- Avoid introducing unnecessary dependencies or changes to the project's architecture.
- Seek permission before making major changes to the project.
- Be open to feedback and constructive criticism.
- Only submit pull requests that are related to the project's scope and purpose.
- Keep up-to-date with the latest changes to the project and adapt your contributions accordingly.
- Projeye katkΔ± saΔlamak iΓ§in belirtilen katkΔ± kurallarΔ± ve kodlama standartlarΔ±nΔ± takip edin.
- Kodunuzu iyi belgelendirin ve anlaΕΔ±lmasΔ± kolay hale getirin.
- Proje yΓΆneticilerine ve onlarΔ±n kararlarΔ±na saygΔ±lΔ± olun.
- DiΔer katkΔ±da bulunanlarla iletiΕim kurarken nezaketli ve profesyonel olun.
- Pull request (Γ§ekme isteΔi) gΓΆndermeden ΓΆnce kodunuzu detaylΔ± bir Εekilde test edin.
- Projeye gereksiz baΔΔ±mlΔ±lΔ±klar veya deΔiΕiklikler getirmekten kaΓ§Δ±nΔ±n.
- Projeye ΓΆnemli deΔiΕiklikler yapmadan ΓΆnce izin alΔ±n.
- Geri bildirime ve yapΔ±cΔ± eleΕtirilere aΓ§Δ±k olun.
- Sadece projenin kapsamΔ± ve amacΔ±yla ilgili pull request'leri gΓΆnderin.
- Projedeki son deΔiΕiklikleri takip edin ve katkΔ±larΔ±nΔ±zΔ± buna gΓΆre uyarlayΔ±n.
β€οΈ Best Regards!
β€οΈ En iyi dileklerimle!
- β Draft version
- π Public repositories on my Github profile are primarily for hobby and practice purposes. If you are looking for real-world projects, please do not hesitate to contact me
- Github profilimdeki genel depolar ΓΆncelikle hobi ve pratik amaΓ§lar iΓ§in hizmet vermektedir. GerΓ§ek dΓΌnya projeleri arΔ±yorsanΔ±z, lΓΌtfen benimle iletiΕime geΓ§mekten Γ§ekinmeyin
- Currently Using
- I've knowledge of
- Statistics
- My DevCard
- π΅ Common terms for different stages of software testing and development
- π΅ Componets of a computer
- π΅ Main components and modules of the Linux kernel
- π΅ Here are some of the most common programming paradigms
- OOP Concepts
- Javascript Design Patterns
- Vehicle hierarchy
- Some programming principles
- 5 Javascript one-liners
- π¨βπ¨βπ§βπ§ Code of Conduct for Contributors π
- Table of Contents