This app would only work with our CompactControl board and interface
- Set the proper version in the Visual Studio.
- Project (menu) -> CompactControl Properties... -> Application (tab) -> Assembly Information... (button)
- Build the Release
- Update
with the correct version and change logs.- version MUST be in this format:
(Change the first 3 numbers according to the version set in the Visual Studio)
- version MUST be in this format:
- Commit changes.
- push to the master branch (or your current branch)
> git push
- Tag the last commit. (Tag MUST be identical to the ChangeLog's version):
> git tag -a v1.1.1-rc.1 -m "comment"
- Push with the same tag:
> git push origin --tag v1.1.1-rc.1
If you want to remove a tag or multiple tags, it is beter to remove it first from the remote and then from the local repositories
> git tag -l "v1*" > tags_to_remove.txt
> git tag -d $(cat ./tags_to_remove.txt)
> git push --delete origin $(cat ./tags_to_remove.txt)
Delete a tag from remote repository:
> git push --delete origin v1.1.1-rc.1
Delete multiple tags from remote repository:
> git push --delete origin v1.1.1-rc.1 v1.2.1-rc.1 v1.3.1-rc.1
Delete a tag from local repository:
> git tag -d v1.1.1-rc.1
Delete multiple tags from local repository:
> git tag -d $(git tag -l "v1*")