This repo uses a simple bipartite graph to demonstrate the usage of lemon C++ to compute the maximum weighted matching in a bipartite graph.
Note that, as the algorithms specially designed and optimized for bipartite graphs are still under development, this repo uses the API designed for general graphs (i.e., lemon::MaxWeightedMatching
On MacOS or Linux, you can simply download the source codes, then compile and install it as follows.
cd /path/to/lemon-1.3.1.tar.gz
tar zxf lemon-1.3.1.tar.gz
cd lemon-1.3.1
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make && sudo make install
More details on installation can be found at Lemon C++ Documentation.
On MacOS or Linux, you can simply compile and run this example as follows.
cd /path/to/<this example>
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
You should see the following output.
The maximum weighted matching is:
L0 -- R1
L1 -- R2
L2 -- R0
Its weight is: 13