This is the source code for my personal website,
A: No, I just wanted a good format to tell you some stuff.
A: It's a React.js app, scaffolded by the react-create-app CLI tool. I've read enough "getting started with Webpack" tutorials to understand how to set up my own dev environment, but I'd rather let Facebook do it.
A: Because it seemed like a good way to prove to myself (and the world!) that I understand the basics. Obviously I realize it's hilariously overkill, but the structure and concepts are still relevant.
A: Hey! I like it! I don't pretend to be a designer, so I tried to come up with a concept that would work with just text. It's supposed to feel like a Choose Your Own Adventure game. All the styles are from Bootstrap. If you want to see what pretty little trees I can paint with CSS, feel free to check out some of the stuff on the work page ;)