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CRAN version 1.10.3
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rvlenth committed Jul 1, 2024
1 parent 37a5f8c commit ce2cddf
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Package: emmeans
Type: Package
Title: Estimated Marginal Means, aka Least-Squares Means
Date: 2024-06-25
Version: 1.10.3
Date: 2024-07-01
Authors@R: c(person("Russell V.", "Lenth", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"),
email = "[email protected]"),
person("Ben", "Bolker", role = "ctb"),
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14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions
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title: "NEWS for the emmeans package"

## emmeans 1.10.2-09xxxxx
* Updated `mice::mira` support to use Barnard-Rubin adjusted d.f. (#494)
* Fix to MuMIn support so a response transformation is auto-detected
* Bug fix in `gls` support code (#495)
## emmeans 1.10.3
* Updated `mice::mira` support to use Barnard-Rubin adjusted d.f. (#494)
* Fix to MuMIn support so a response transformation is auto-detected
* Bug fix in `gls` support code (#495)
* I am trying to be clearer that some model-support
modes cause implied re-gridding, making the link function no longer operable.
A new subsection discussing this was added to the "Transformations" vignette,
and I also added indications of this to the "models" vignette.
* Don't think too hard about which recent updates (since 1.8.9) are more
major than others. I'll try to be more rational about this going forward.

## emmeans 1.10.2
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51 changes: 30 additions & 21 deletions vignettes/models.Rmd
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ vignette: >
<!-- @index Vignettes!Models -->

Here we document what model objects may be used with **emmeans**, and some
special features of some of them that may be accessed by passing additional
Expand All @@ -20,6 +19,11 @@ construct `emmGrid` objects, including `ref_grid()`,
object-by-object documentation, we are talking about arguments in these

Some options cause transformations and links to be resolved at the time the
reference grid is created, thus performing a kind of implied re-gridding
at the very start. Such options are marked in the table with a "twiddle" (e.g., `"prob"~`).
For those options, no links or transformations are passed along.

If a model type is not included here, users may be able to obtain
usable results via the `qdrg()` function; see its help page.
Package developers may support their models by writing appropriate `recover_data`
Expand All @@ -36,17 +40,17 @@ the arguments that apply. Detailed documentation follows, with objects
grouped by the code in the "Group" column.
Scroll down or follow the links to those groups for more information.

|Object.class |Package |Group |Arguments / notes |
|Object.class |Package |Group |Arguments / notes (Suffix of `~` indicates re-gridding) |
|aov |stats |[A](#A) | |
|aovList |stats |[V](#V) |Best with balanced designs, orthogonal coding |
|averaging |MuMIn |[I](#I) |`formula`, `subset` (see details) |
|betareg |betareg |[B](#B) |`mode = c("link", "precision", "",` |
| | | |` "variance", "quantile")` |
| | | |` "variance"~, "quantile"~)` |
|brmsfit |brms |[P](#P) |Supported in **brms** package |
|carbayes |CARBayes |[S](#S) |`data` is required |
|clm |ordinal |[O](#O) |`mode = c("latent", "linear.predictor", "cum.prob",` |
| | | |` "exc.prob", "prob", "mean.class", "scale")` |
|clm |ordinal |[O](#O) |`mode = c("latent"~, "linear.predictor", "cum.prob"~,` |
| | | |` "exc.prob"~, "prob"~, "mean.class"~, "scale")` |
|clmm |ordinal |[O](#O) |Like `clm` but no `"scale"` mode |
|coxme |coxme |[G](#G) | |
|coxph |survival |[G](#G) | |
Expand All @@ -70,7 +74,7 @@ Scroll down or follow the links to those groups for more information.
|gls |nlme |[K](#K) |`mode = c("auto", "df.error", "satterthwaite", "asymptotic")`|
|gnls |nlme |[A](#A) |Supports `params` part. Requires `param = "<name>"` |
|hurdle |pscl |[C](#C) |`mode = c("response", "count", "zero", "prob0"),` |
| | | |`lin.pred = c(FALSE, TRUE)` |
| | | |`lin.pred = c(FALSE~, TRUE)` |
|lm |stats |[A](#A) |Several other classes inherit from this and may be supported |
|lme |nlme |[K](#K) |`sigmaAdjust = c(TRUE, FALSE),` |
| | | |`mode = c("auto", containment", "satterthwaite", "asymptotic"),`|
Expand All @@ -83,8 +87,8 @@ Scroll down or follow the links to those groups for more information.
| | | |Optional: `method`, `R`, `seed`, `startQR` (must be fully spelled-out) |
|manova |stats |[M](#M) |``, `mult.levs` |
|maov |stats |[M](#M) |``, `mult.levs` |
|mblogit |mclogit |[N](#N) |`mode = c("prob", "latent")` |
| | | |Always include response in specs for `emmeans()`
|mblogit |mclogit |[N](#N) |`mode = c("prob"~, "latent")` |
| | | |Always include response in specs for `emmeans()` |
|mcmc |mcmc |[S](#S) |May require `formula`, `data` |
|MCMCglmm |MCMCglmm |[S](#S) |(see also [M](#M#)) ``, `mult.levs`, `trait`, |
| | | |`mode = c("default", "multinomial")`; `data` is required |
Expand All @@ -93,15 +97,15 @@ Scroll down or follow the links to those groups for more information.
|mlm |stats |[M](#M) |``, `mult.levs` |
|mmer |sommer |[G](#G) | |
|mmrm |mmrm |[P](#P) |Supported in the **mmrm** package |
|multinom |nnet |[N](#N) |`mode = c("prob", "latent")` |
|multinom |nnet |[N](#N) |`mode = c("prob"~, "latent")` |
| | | |Always include response in specs for `emmeans()` |
|nauf |nauf.*xxx* |[P](#P) |Supported in **nauf** package |
|nlme |nlme |[A](#A) |Supports fixed part. Requires `param = "<name>"` |
|polr |MASS |[O](#O) |`mode = c("latent", "linear.predictor", "cum.prob",` |
| | | |`"exc.prob", "prob", "mean.class")` |
|polr |MASS |[O](#O) |`mode = c("latent"~, "linear.predictor", "cum.prob"~,` |
| | | |`"exc.prob"~, "prob"~, "mean.class"~)` |
|rlm |MASS |[A](#A) |inherits `lm` support |
|rms |rms |[O](#O) |`mode = ("middle", "latent", "linear.predictor",` |
| | | |`"cum.prob", "exc.prob", "prob", "mean.class")` |
|rms |rms |[O](#O) |`mode = ("middle"~, "latent"~, "linear.predictor",` |
| | | |`"cum.prob"~, "exc.prob"~, "prob"~, "mean.class"~)` |
|rq,rqs |quantreg |[Q](#Q) |`tau = object$tau` |
| | | |Creates a pseudo-factor `tau` with levels `tau` |
| | | |Optional: `se`, `R`, `bsmethod`, etc. |
Expand All @@ -112,7 +116,7 @@ Scroll down or follow the links to those groups for more information.
|svyglm |survey |[A](#A) | |
|svyolr |survey |[O](#O) |Piggybacks on `polr` support |
|zeroinfl |pscl |[C](#C) |`mode = c("response", "count", "zero", "prob0")`, |
| | | |`lin.pred = c(FALSE, TRUE)` |
| | | |`lin.pred = c(FALSE~, TRUE)` |

## Group A -- "Standard" or minimally supported models {#A}
Expand All @@ -122,7 +126,7 @@ need special support; hence no extra arguments are needed.
Some may require `data` in the call.

## B -- Beta regression {#B}
## Group B -- Beta regression {#B}
<!-- @index Beta regression; `betareg` models -->

The additional `mode` argument for `betareg` objects has possible
Expand All @@ -135,6 +139,7 @@ the additional argument `quantile` (a numeric scalar or vector)
specifies which quantile(s) to compute; the default is 0.5 (the median). Also
in `"quantile"` mode, an additional variable `quantile` is added to
the reference grid, and its levels are the values supplied.
Modes `"variance"` and `"quantile"` cause an implied re-grid.

[Back to quick reference](#quickref)

Expand All @@ -150,7 +155,7 @@ With `lin.pred = FALSE`, the results are comparable to those returned by
`predict(..., type = "response")`, `predict(..., type = "count")`,
`predict(..., type = "zero")`, or `predict(..., type = "prob")[,
1]`. See the documentation for `predict.hurdle` and
`predict.zeroinfl`. Note that specifying `lin.pred = FALSE` causes re-gridding to take place.

The option `lin.pred = TRUE` only applies to `mode = "count"` and
`mode = "zero"`. The results returned are on the linear-predictor scale,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,7 +371,8 @@ multinomial response via the `mult.resp` argument.)
There is an optional `mode` argument which
should match `"prob"` or `"latent"`. With `mode = "prob"`, the
reference-grid predictions consist of the estimated multinomial
probabilities. The `"latent"` mode returns the linear predictor,
probabilities -- and this implies a re-gridding so no
link functions are passed on. The `"latent"` mode returns the linear predictor,
recentered so that it averages to zero over the levels of the response
variable (similar to sum-to-zero contrasts). Thus each latent variable can be
regarded as the log probability at that level minus the average log
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,6 +402,7 @@ There are two optional arguments: `mode` (a character string) and
one of `"latent"` (the default), `"linear.predictor"`,
`"cum.prob"`, `"exc.prob"`, `"prob"`, `"mean.class"`, or
`"scale"` -- see the quick reference and note which are supported.
With the exception of `"linear.predictor"`, all of these modes do an implied regrid.

With `mode = "latent"`, the reference-grid predictions are made on the
scale of the latent variable implied by the model. The scale and location of
Expand All @@ -405,7 +412,9 @@ Keep in mind that the scaling is related to the link function used
in the model; for example, changing from a probit link to a logistic link
will inflate the latent values by around $\pi/\sqrt{3}$, all
other things being equal. `rescale` has no effect for other values of
`mode`. Even though the latent means comprise a re-scaling of the linear predictor,
we regard this as a re-gridding, and the cumulative link function is
not included in the reference grid.

With `mode = "linear.predictor"`, `mode = "cum.prob"`, and
`mode = "exc.prob"`, the boundaries between categories (i.e.,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -444,7 +453,7 @@ together.

[Back to quick reference](#quickref)

## P -- Other packages {#P}
## Group P -- Other packages {#P}

Models in this group have their **emmeans** support provided by the package
that implements the model-fitting procedure. Users should refer to the
Expand All @@ -453,7 +462,7 @@ package's models may have been supported here in **emmeans**; if so, the
other package's support overrides it.

## Q -- Quantile regression {#Q}
## Group Q -- Quantile regression {#Q}

The elements
of `tau` are included in the reference grid as a pseudo-factor named
Expand All @@ -475,7 +484,7 @@ than to subset them using the `at` argument to `ref_grid`.

## S -- Sampling (MCMC) methods {#S}
## Group S -- Sampling (MCMC) methods {#S}
<!-- @index Bayesian models; `mcmc` objects; `stanreg` objects; `brmsfit` objects
`as.mcmc()`; `summary()`!Bayesian models -->
Models fitted using MCMC methods contain a sample from the posterior
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25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions vignettes/transformations.Rmd
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Expand Up @@ -149,6 +149,31 @@ will compute the results we have seen for `emm.src` -- back-transformed

Remember again: When it comes to transformations, timing is everything.

### Implied regridding with certain modes {#regrid3}
<!-- @index Transformations|Special modes;
`mode` argument!implied re-gridding;
Transformations|Implied re-gridding;
Some model classes provide special argument(s) (typically `mode`) that may cause
transformations or links to be handled early. For example, cumulative link
models for ordinal data allow for a `"prob"` mode that produces estimates of
probabilities for each ordinal level. The reference grid comprises estimates on
a probability scale, and whatever link was used (say, probit) has already been
accounted for, so is not "remembered" for possible later back-transformation. In
that sense, when we use `mode = "prob"`, it is sort of like an implied call to
`regrid()` that takes place *at the time the reference grid is constructed*,
preempting any timing choices you might otherwise have made about handling the
transformation. If there are one or more factors that are averaged over in
estimating marginal means will be averages of the probabilities in the reference
grid; so they will be different than what you would have obtained by keeping
things on the link scale and then computing the probabilities after averaging on
the link scale.

Similar things happen with certain options with multinomial models,
zero-inflated, or hurdle models. Those special modes are a great convenience
for getting estimates on a scale that is desired, but they also force
you to obtain marginal means of measurements already on that scale.

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