Small @gulpjs and @sass starter for quickstarting small projects.
1. If you haven’t done already, initialize npm.
npm init
2. Install dev dependencies
npm install gulp gulp-dart-sass gulp-postcss gulp-dependents cssnano gulp-concat gulp-rename gulp-sourcemaps del gulp-terser gulp-order --save-dev
3. Create gulpfile.js and add this code snippet
const { src, dest, watch, series, parallel, lastRun } = require("gulp"); // Importing specific gulp API functions lets us write them below as series() instead of gulp.series() and gulp.tasks
const sass = require("gulp-dart-sass"); // compiles SCSS to CSS
const postcss = require("gulp-postcss"); // runs autoprefixer and cssnano
const dependents = require("gulp-dependents");
const cssnano = require("cssnano"); // minifies CSS
const concat = require("gulp-concat"); // concatenates multiple files into one file
const rename = require("gulp-rename");
const sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps"); // maps the CSS styles back to the original SCSS file in your browser dev tools
const del = require("del"); // Delete files and directories using globs
const terser = require("gulp-terser"); // minifies JS. gulp-uglify doesn´t support ES6 syntax
const order = require("gulp-order");
const cssRoot = "sass";
const jsRoot = "js";
const dist = "dist";
const glob = {
sass: [`${cssRoot}/*.scss`, `${cssRoot}/**/*.scss`],
sassDist: `${dist}/css`,
js: [`${jsRoot}/*.js`, `${jsRoot}/**/*.js`],
jsDist: `${dist}/js`,
// the 'clean' task deletes the generated files
const clean = () => {
return del(["dist/"]);
const compileCSS = cb => {
// return src("sass/**/*.scss") // create a stream for reading all SCSS files
return src(glob.sass, { since: lastRun(compileCSS) }) // filter only changed files
.pipe(dependents()) // find sass files to re-compile
.pipe(sourcemaps.init()) // sourcemaps needs to be added first after src()
.pipe(sass().on("error", sass.logError)) // does the compiling of all the SCSS files to one CSS file
.pipe(postcss([cssnano()])) // postcss() runs two other plugins, autoprefixer() to add vendor prefixes & cssnano() to minify the CSS file
.pipe(concat("main.css")) // concatenate all the css files into one css file
.pipe(rename({ suffix: ".min" })) // rename file to minified
.pipe(sourcemaps.write(".")) // creates the sourcemaps file in the same directory.
.pipe(dest(glob.sassDist)) // pass the compiled data to the dest()
.on("end", cb);
// JS task: concatenates and minifies JS files to script.js
const compileJS = () => {
return src(glob.js, { since: lastRun(compileJS) })
// prettier-ignore
// When passing gulp.src stream directly to order, don't include path source/scripts in the order paths. They should be relative to the /**/*.js. ex. "vendor/js1.js".
.pipe(concat("main.js")) // concatenate all the JS files into one JS file
.pipe(terser()) // minify the JS file. gulp-uglify doesn´t support ES6 syntax
.pipe(rename({ suffix: ".min" }))
.pipe(dest(glob.jsDist)); // move the final JS file into the /dist folder
const watchCSS = () => {
watch(glob.sass, compileCSS);
const watchJS = () => {
watch(glob.js, compileJS);
exports.clean = clean;
exports.compileCSS = compileCSS;
exports.compileJS = compileJS;
exports.watchCSS = watchCSS;
exports.watchJS = watchJS;
// default task is a task that is executed if no task name is specified with Gulp CLI. It runs series tasks in sequential order and parrallel tasks sequentially
// prettier-ignore
exports.default = series(
parallel(compileCSS, compileJS),
parallel(watchCSS, watchJS),
4. Available commands