- wrsj / SourceJump WR Menu
- mpbhops but working (also makes func_door boosters better)
- sm_closestpos - C++ Sourcemod extension that can be used with bhoptimer to find the closest replay position more efficiently.
- rtldg/bhoptimer -- ✨ shavitush/bhoptimer
- a list of things for my bhop servers
- Unreal style for shavit's bhoptimer
- random bhop related scripts by various people
wip srcwr thingwip srcwr things- wip srcwrtimer
srcwrtimer_original- extensions included: srcwrhttp, srcwrjson, closestpos, smbz2, etc..
- srcwr_sample_extension
- wip zones repo
- ✨ (maps-cstrike)
- sister repo (maps-cstrike-more) with packed BSP file-lists, entities lumps, original mapnames, and more
- gb scraper --
cloudflare worker - ???
- wip srcwrtimer
- some CS:S Stripper:Source map configs
- edge-helper - helps with kz & xc
- ✨ RawInput2BunnyhopAPE - RawInput2 and BunnyhopAPE combined
- goodfootsteps - (client-side custom folder) replaces all CS:S footsteps sounds with concrete footsteps
- myhud
- css-demo-to-bhoptimer-replay - maybe if you have a demo but not a bhoptimer replay and you want to turn that demo into a bhoptimer replay... buggy...
- ✨ tf2centerprojectiles - Provides the command sm_centerprojectiles [0|1] to shoot most projectiles from the center.
- tf2-dooranimation - Valve matchmaking has a door-animation thing. This allows you to replicate that.
other sourcepawn/sourcemod/source-engine things:
- smwhitelist - another whitelist plugin! but rejects players sooner!
- observer-mode-switch-lag-fix.sp
- smxappend - rust program that creates a new file section in an smx and a sourcepawn plugin to peek into an smx's file sections
- sm_suggest - something for simple
logging commands (to a file & discord webhook) - 64tick_nades - 64tick csgo nade lineups on 128tick servers
- sourcelightmap - sourcelightmap fork with right-click to quickly set the pixel to the current color
- PushFixDE - fork that adds CS:S gamedata for testing but it doesn't actually matter or help much so ignore it
- brainfuck.sp - brainfuck interpreter
- foo_loop - fork of foo_loop that lets you pause
- updated_nemo7538_components - (private) repo with x64 update for foo_quicksearch (and soon foo_plorg)
everything else:
mpv - some mpv screenshot patches- better-mpv-screenshots.lua - better screenshot filenames for mpv and also helps with long screenshot filenames
- ✨ simulcast-mpv - program that syncs mpv players across the internet
mpvipc - fork of the mpvipc crate to add shit Windows support & some other things
- bcdl - Downloads free/name-your-price albums from
- tcpersist - wip
- pypxie
- forksyncer - syncs forked repos with upstream (used by PMArkive)
- fxclipboard (install) - Firefox addon to rewrite
links in your clipboard
for easy pasting into discord - NoLinkedinHotkey (exe) - Make the Ctrl+Shift+Win+Alt+L hotkey NOT open in your browser
- wmcdl - minimal endpoint for yt-dlp
- hydrus_gubbins
- urlmonitor - small url uptime monitor & discord-notifier wrapped in docker...
- hidden-cursor-sens.cpp
- gambler.ahk
- - purge old cloudflare deployments for pages & workers
- some recursive cname thing
- Notes so I remember how calling conventions work
- Steam Datagram Relay / Steam Networking FAQ
everything else but boring:
- perfsofyore - melonloader mod to add some stuff to Peaks of Yore (currently only the height and progress percentage to the summit)