The capstone will build upon the knowledge you have gained in the course in order to build a decentralized housing product.
Contract: SolnSquareVerifier Address: 0x2F6795051DA5f79eF4451D4A6526D6DFC3AFCb82 Name: betatoken1 Symbol: bt1
Contract: Verifier Address: 0x3Aa4CaD32f4f8245d9Ee410AAcBEd1111A3c81B0
Contract: CustomERC721Token Address: 0xe204F802d34CF7BC3c670a73DA80CC7095D0Bd83
OpenSea MarketPlace Storefront links:
Contract Owner: 0x128fA10168790263921668a45E0f00e00361A533 Second Address: 0xDCf0a8aD36E9b40025A69A6B409f8ef67d5aF364
Note: My tokens can be tranferred to another owner, but otherwise seem to be locked and I can't get them onto the marketplace. Instead I get error about running out of gas. However, I was able to post the tokens for sale and 'gift' them.
Clone this repository and run the following commands:
npm install
truffle compile
There are three test files, one for each of the main contracts:
- TestERC721Mintable.js
- TestSolnSquareVerifier.js
- TestSquareVerifier.js
Start ganache-cli to provide a test network:
You should be able to run each of the tests with the command:
truffle test
Double check your migrations file, 2_deploy_contracts.js, mathces up with your expectations.
The following packages are required, npm install should take care of retrieving all the modules:
- "openzeppelin-solidity": "^2.2.0",
- "solc": "^0.5.2",
- "solc-js": "^0.5.2"
- "web3": "^1.0.0-beta.55"
For development and testing I used:
- Ganache CLI v6.4.3 (ganache-core: 2.5.5)
- Truffle v5.0.28 - a development framework for Ethereum
You don't need to contribute to me. A passing grade will do.
This is the one and only version.
- Ryan Wegner
No license here. Use this however you see fit.
- Udacity for organizing this fine course.
- Alvaro P. Udacity Mentor for organizing so much reference material.
This project is based on the boiler plate code found here:
An FAQ on the project posted by Udacity Mentors is available here: