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@adamhsparks adamhsparks released this 27 Jul 02:11
· 30 commits to main since this release

Major Changes

  • Addressed comments after initial CRAN submission (reduce file size and update links to packages/function in the documentation).

  • Published manuscript describing package in the Journal of Open Source Software

  • Package was peer reviewed.

  • Changes the name of the function get_station_metadata() to get_stations_metadata() to avoid clashes with {stationaRy}.

  • Adds new functionality, find_stations_in() to assist in finding stations in a bounding box or geospatial polygon.

  • Allows user to pass along a factor as the station_code when requesting weather data.
    This allows for the use of the metadata returned from get_stations_metadata() to be used directly in queries without changing the class of the station_code column from factor to character.

  • Added functionality to get_station_metadata() so that it returns the metadata for only one station if required, commit.

  • Several enhanced checks for user inputs to ensure that valid requests are made before sending the API queries are now in place.

Bug Fixes

  • find_nearby_stations()

    • Fixes bug where find_forecast_towns() returned all values, not the proper values.

    • Fixes bug where BOM and SILO metadata were not properly merged when using find_nearby_stations()

    • Fixes bug where closed stations are included in the nearest stations when using find_nearby_stations() and include_closed = FALSE (default).

    • Fixes the messages when stations aren't found nearby. In certain cases the message indicated that a station_code was used when latitude and longitude had been provided and vice versa.

    • Fixes bug when there are no stations that meet the criteria set by the user and an error was emitted that "x" must be a {data.table} object. The function now simply errors if there are no stations from either API that meet the criteria.

  • get_dpird_extremes()

    • Fixes example in get_dpird_extremes() that didn't use "your_api_key" as all other examples did for error checking.

    • Fixes example for get_dpird_extremes() that didn't follow the package's standard use of "your_api_key" for the api_key value in the example.

  • Fixes the re-export of terra::plot() where checks indicated that it does not have a documented return value or examples.

  • Fixes a bug where the package data was not available when this package was called by another, e.g., {extractOz} used get_patched_point() but could not validate the user-input values because silo_daily_values could not be found.

  • Fixes bug where results from get_dpird_summaries() were truncated to only a few of the last results requested rather than the full set from start date to end date.

  • Fixes bug where the DPIRD API would not properly respond to requests from Windows OS machines.

  • Fixes bug where SILO Data Drill gridded data were not available with enough precision.

  • Fixes bug where include_closed wasn't passed along to the API when querying DPIRD station weather data.
    All queries now included closed stations by default so that a request for a closed station is not denied due to this not being specified, commit.