Each VPS hosts (so far):
- a rathole instance for NAT traversal
- a KnotDNS secondary server for https://cynosure.red
It's also worth noting that the VPSs are considered completely untrusted, so they only proxy already encrypted web traffic at the TCP level and publish records DNSSEC-signed by the trusted main server (to whose hardware I have physical access to).
Mostly a personal guide for convenience, should work for anyone trying to use this config though.
Boot into an installer using kexec (https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-images), make sure an SSH key is set in
. This only works for ARM machines, use the one in the linked README for x86curl -L https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-images/releases/download/nixos-unstable/nixos-kexec-installer-noninteractive-aarch64-linux.tar.gz | tar -xzf- -C /root /root/kexec/run
SSH into the new system afterwards.
Format & mount persistent storage, install system
hostname=REPLACEME repo="romner-set/nixos-vps" nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" run github:nix-community/disko -- --mode disko --flake "github:$repo#$hostname" nixos-install --no-root-passwd --flake "github:$repo#$hostname"
Manually create
according to this template:[server] bind_addr = "[::]:444" [server.transport] type = "noise" [server.transport.noise] pattern = "Noise_KK_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s" local_private_key = "REPLACEME" # created with `rathole --genkey` remote_public_key = "kAucMFPz3+2RP+LTQ6X/LjBcIlmjQ+r8/vBtKe9NfWM=" # main server's pubkey [server.services.doq] type = "udp" token = "REPLACEME" bind_addr = "[::1]:853" [server.services.http] token = "REPLACEME" bind_addr = "[::]:80" [server.services.https] token = "REPLACEME" bind_addr = "[::]:443" [server.services.http3] type = "udp" token = "REPLACEME" bind_addr = "[::]:443"
& rebootcd /mnt/data chmod 600 rathole.toml # see 3. mkdir knot && chown 999:999 knot reboot
Update main server, i.e.
- Create new rathole keys & client config
- Authorize the VPS'
knotc status cert-key
Do something productive (or not) with the time you've just saved