provides a utility for producing fake data in Protocol Buffer
messages via gofakeit
works by annotating fields of protobuf messages with the
custom options. Below, an example User
and related
messages have been annotated:
import "gofakeit/gofakeit.proto";
message User {
fixed64 user_id = 1;
string first_name = 2 [(gofakeit.generate).tag = "{firstname}"];
string last_name = 3 [(gofakeit.generate).tag = "{lastname}"];
string email = 4 [(gofakeit.generate).tag = "{email}"];
Location location = 5;
repeated string hobbies = 6 [
(gofakeit.generate).repeated.range = { min: 1, max: 3},
(gofakeit.generate).repeated.element.tag = "{hobby}"
map<string, PetType> pets = 7 [
(gofakeit.generate).map.range = { min: 1, max: 3},
(gofakeit.generate).map.key.tag = "{petname}"
enum PetType {
message Location {
double latitude = 1 [(gofakeit.generate).tag = "{latitude}"];
double longitude = 2 [(gofakeit.generate).tag = "{longitude}"];
does NOT require any code generation (beyond protoc-gen-go
) to populate a message:
package main
import (
func main() {
faker := gofakeit.New(3)
protoFaker := protogofakeit.New(faker)
user := &gen.User{}
user_id: 15864040051628833669
first_name: "Philip"
last_name: "Casper"
email: "[email protected]"
location: {
latitude: 1.383491
longitude: -62.968324
hobbies: [
"Slot car"
pets: {
"Archie": PET_TYPE_DOG
The protogofakeit
proto files must be imported into your proto files to set
the custom options on fields.
If you are using protoc
, the proto
directory must be in the import path to compile:
protoc \
--go_out="$OUTPUT_DIR" \
If you are using buf
, add a dependency on
to your module's buf.yaml
# buf.yaml
version: v1
# ...
Remember to run buf mod update
to update the lockfile. If you are using buf
managed mode for code generation, ensure the correct import path is used for
# buf.gen.yaml
version: v1
enabled: true
# ...
By default, protogofakeit
populates all fields of a message with random values:
- numbers: a uniform, random value in the full range of the underlying type.
- bool: a random
- string: a random ASCII string between 4–10 characters, inclusive.
- bytes: random slice of 4–10 bytes (inclusive) in the ASCII range.
- enums: a random defined value of the enum (including any value assigned to 0).
- messages: the field is set and its fields are populated with random data, to the max recursion depth (default of 5).
- repeated: a slice of 4–10 (inclusive) elements populated with random values.
- map: a map of 4–10 (inclusive) key-value pairs populated with random keys and values. Note that the total pairs may be less if there is a key collision during generation.
- oneof: a random field (or no field) contained in the oneof will be set to its random value.
- optional: optional fields are always set.
- google.protobuf.Timestamp: a random valid timestamp value
- google.protobuf.Duration: a random valid duration value
Default sizes of string, bytes, repeated, and map fields as well as the maximum
recursion depth can be customized when initializing the ProtoFaker
via Option
values. See the documentation for more details.
Fake generation can be skipped on any field by annotating it with skip
message Skipped {
string value = 1 [(gofakeit.generate).skip = true];
Scalar values will default to their zero value, while message, repeated, and map fields will be empty/unset.
The primary way of customizing field generation is via tags, which are identical
to the struct tags used to customize plain-old Go structs for gofakeit
Tags act as simplified templates using curly braces ({...}
) to specify "function"
calls to the faker.
After resolving any functions, the tag
value is then parsed to match the type of
the associated field. Any parse errors result in fake generation to fail:
- integers: either
strconv.ParseInt(tag, 0, n)
orstrconv.ParseUint(tag, 0, n)
if unsigned, wheren
is the bitsize of the field. - floats:
strconv.ParseFloat(tag, n)
, wheren
is the bitsize of the field. - bool:
- string: as-is
- bytes:
- enums:
strconv.ParseInt(tag, 0, 32)
. Undefined enum values are supported/possible. - google.protobuf.Timestamp:
time.Parse(format, tag)
, whereformat
is atime.Layout
based format (default oftime.RFC3339Nano
). - google.protobuf.Duration:
Tags are ignored on message, repeated, and map fields. The timestamp parse format
can be customized when initializing the ProtoFaker
message Tags {
string name = 1 [(gofakeit.generate).tag = "{firstname}"]; // random
string foo = 2 [(gofakeit.generate).tag = "bar"]; // constant "bar"
int32 age = 3 [(gofakeit.generate).tag = "{intrange:13,99}"]; // function parameters
string pet = 4[(gofakeit.generate).tag = "{petname} ({animal})"]; // mixed
Custom tag functions can be registered on the underlying faker, though this is strongly discouraged as it makes the tags less portable.
For more complex fake generation, Go templates are supported, enabling loops, conditionals, and other logic alongside the functions available from the underlying faker. The resulting value is parsed the same as tags above. For long templates, a series of strings can be used which are automatically concatenated by the protobuf compiler.
message Templates {
string cmd = 1 [
(gofakeit.generate).template =
'{{ $lang := RandomString (SliceString "go" "python" "javascript" }}'
'{{ if eq $lang "go" }}go get'
'{{ else if eq $lang "python" }}pip install'
'{{ else }}npm install'
'{{ end }} ({{ $lang }})'
Templates are orders of magnitude slower than tags, so only reach for them if
you need something more powerful. Custom template functions can be registered
when configuring the ProtoFaker
instance, though this is strongly discouraged
as it makes the templates less portable.
Repeated (list) and map fields can be customized beyond the defaults, including their size and items.
A repeated or map field's size can be specified via either a constant len
or a
random range
message Sizes {
repeated string a = 1 [
(gofakeit.generate).repeated.len = 3 // exactly 3 elements
map<string, int32> b = 2 [
(gofakeit.generate).map.range = { min: 0, max: 2 } // 0-2 key-value pairs, inclusive.
A repeated field's elements or a map field's keys and values can have options
associated with them just like singular fields. Note that message items still
ignore any tag
or template
message Elements {
repeated string a = 1 [
(gofakeit.generate).repeated.element.tag = "{animal}"
map<string, int32> b = 2 [
(gofakeit.generate).map.key.tag = "{petname}",
(gofakeit.generate).map.value.tag = "{intrange:0,100}"