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Daniel committed Nov 26, 2014
1 parent 63bc080 commit c3395d4
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@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import time
import sc_config
current_milli_time = lambda: int(round(time.time() * 1000))

make ECCENTRICITY dependent on craftAttitude
remove pixel to distance and pixel to angle methods; import them

class CircleDetector(object):

def __init__(self):
#load algorithm constants
#how round a circle needs to be. Perfect circle = 1
self.eccentricity = sc_config.config.get_float('algorithm', 'eccentricity', 0.6)
#acceptable distance(pixels) between cocentric circle centers
self.distance_threshold = sc_config.config.get_integer('algorithm','distance_threshold', 15)
# number of circles needed for a valid target(times 2); 2 circles are often overlayed
self.min_circles = sc_config.config.get_integer('algorithm','min_circles',5)
#pixels: used to identify repeat circles(stacked circles). Problem caused by findContours()
self.radius_tolerance = sc_config.config.get_integer('algorithm', 'radius_tolerance', 2)
#Tolerance used in comparing actaul ratios and preceived ratios
self.ratio_tolerance = sc_config.config.get_float('algorithm', 'ratio_tolerance', 0.015)

#target specific data
#target_code is the unique ratio between rings
target_code_def = np.array([0.8,0.91,0.76,0.84,0.7,0.66,0.49])
self.target_code = sc_config.config.get_array('algorithm', 'target_code',target_code_def)
#the outer_ring is a scaling factor for targets of various sizes; radius of outer ring in meters
self.outer_ring = sc_config.config.get_float('algorithm', 'outer_ring', 0.08255)

#define field of view
self.cam_hfov = sc_config.config.get_float('camera', 'horizontal-fov', 70.42)
self.cam_vfov = sc_config.config.get_float('camera', 'vertical-fov', 43.3)

#analyze_frame - process an frame and look for a bulleye
#params -child_conn: child pipe connection
# -img: raw image to be processed
# -craftAttitude: roll and pitch of aircraft
#return -runtime: time in millis to process an image
# -center: tuple(x,y) of the objects position on; 'None' when no target
# -distance: distance in meters to the target; -1 when unable to calculate
# -targetEllipses: ellipses that compose the detected target 'None' when no target
def analyze_frame(self, child_conn, img, craftAttitude):
#start timer
start = current_milli_time()

#blur image and grayscale
#img = cv2.medianBlur(img,5)

#grayscale image
cimg = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

#canny edge detector
edges = cv2.Canny(cimg,100,200,3)

if edges is not None:

#locate contours
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edges,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

#turn contours into ellipses
circles = np.empty((len(contours)),object)
circlesCnt = 0
for i in range(0,len(contours)):
contour = contours[i]
#make sure contour contains enough point for an ellipse
if(len(contour) > 4):
#detect an ellipse
ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(contour)
#only take ellipses which are round
if self.checkEccentricity(ellipse,self.eccentricity):
circles[circlesCnt] = ellipse
circlesCnt += 1

#if circles were found then we look for nested circles
if circlesCnt > 0:

#get rid of null elements
circles = np.resize(circles,circlesCnt)
#look for nested ellipses
nestedCircles = self.detectNested(circles)

#if at least min_circles circles are nested look for target
#Times min_circles by two because we haven't removed repeat/stacked circles yet
if len(nestedCircles) > (self.min_circles * 2):

#look for circles with a common center
self.finalTarget, center = self.findCommonCenter(nestedCircles)

#we found the target position on xy-plane
if self.finalTarget is not None:

#decode the target rings for a list of ring ratios
ratios = self.tagAspectRatio(self.finalTarget)

#try to calculate distance to target
if ratios is not None:
distance = self.calcDistToTarget(self.finalTarget,ratios)

stop = current_milli_time()
child_conn.send((stop-start,center, distance, self.finalTarget))

#unable to calculate distance due to invalid data
stop = current_milli_time()
child_conn.send(( stop-start, center, -1, self.finalTarget))

#unable to locate target
stop = current_milli_time()

#distCenters - distance between two ellipses
def distCenters(self,ellipse1,ellipse2):
#distance between centers
distance = math.sqrt(math.pow((ellipse1[0][0]-ellipse2[0][0]),2) + math.pow((ellipse1[0][1] - ellipse2[0][1]),2))
return distance

#detectNested- return circles which are nested within other circles
def detectNested(self,rawCircles):
size = len(rawCircles)
nestedCircles = np.empty(size, object)
nestedCnt = 0
for i in range(0,size):
nested = False
for j in range(i, size):
if i != j:
circle1 = rawCircles[i]
circle2 = rawCircles[j]
#average major and minor axises
radius1 = (circle1[1][0] + circle1[1][1]) /2.0
radius2 = (circle2[1][0] + circle2[1][1]) /2.0

distance = self.distCenters(circle1,circle2)

#check if a circle is nested within another circle
if(distance < math.fabs(radius1 - radius2)):
nested = True
#add the base circle if it is nested
if nested:
nestedCircles[nestedCnt] = rawCircles[i]
nestedCnt += 1
#remove null objects
nestedCircles = np.resize(nestedCircles,nestedCnt)

return nestedCircles

#checkEccentricity - checks if an ellipse is 'round' enough
def checkEccentricity(self,ellipse, threshold):
#threshold = 1 for perfect circles
if ellipse[1][0] * 1.0/ ellipse[1][1] > threshold:
return True
return False
def findCommonCenter(self,ellipses):
size = len(ellipses)
minDistance = 640 #image width
center = 0,0
for i in range(0,size):
nested = False
for j in range(i, size):
ellipse1 = ellipses[i]
ellipse2 = ellipses[j]
distance = math.sqrt(math.pow((ellipse1[0][0]-ellipse2[0][0]),2) + math.pow((ellipse1[0][1] - ellipse2[0][1]),2))
if distance <= minDistance and i != j:
minDistance = distance
center = ellipse1[0][0], ellipse1[0][1]
return center
def ellipsesAroundCenter(ellipses, center, threshold):
size = len(ellipses)
centeredEllipses = np.empty(size,object)
centeredCnt = 0
for i in range(0,size):
distance = math.sqrt(math.pow((ellipses[i][0][0]-center[0]),2) + math.pow((ellipses[i][0][1] - center[1]),2))
if distance <= threshold:
centeredEllipses[centeredCnt] = ellipses[i]
centeredCnt += 1
centeredEllipses = np.resize(centeredEllipses,centeredCnt)
return centeredEllipses
#findCommonCenter - locates a group of circles which share a the most common center. Returns the group and the center point
def findCommonCenter(self,nestedCircles):

size = len(nestedCircles)

#sort by radius
for i in range(0,size):
baseCircle = nestedCircles[i]
smallestRadius = (baseCircle[1][0] + baseCircle[1][1]) /2.0
smallest = i

for j in range(i,size):
circle = nestedCircles[j]
radius = (circle[1][0] + circle[1][1]) /2.0
if(radius < smallestRadius):
smallestRadius = radius
smallest = j

nestedCircles[i] = nestedCircles[smallest]
nestedCircles[smallest] = baseCircle

#look at all circles
#add all circles that are within a certain threshold distance
#compare circle pairs and see which one has the most circles
concentricCombos = np.empty([size,size],object)

#start with the largest circle and scan all smaller circles and see if it is concentric with the large circle
maxConcentricCnt = 1
maxConcentricIndex = 0

#stores circle centers
xSum = np.zeros(size)
ySum = np.zeros(size)

for i in range(size-1,0,-1):
outer = nestedCircles[i]
concentricCombos[i][0] = outer
cnt = 1

for j in range(i, 0, -1):
inner = nestedCircles[j]
#outer circle and inner circle have same center, are different
if (self.distCenters(outer,inner) < self.distance_threshold) and (i != j):
#check that the circle isn't a repeat(a problem with findContours)
previous = concentricCombos[i][cnt -1]
radPrev = (previous[1][0] + previous[1][1]) /2.0
radCurr = (inner[1][0] + inner[1][1]) /2.0
#if the circle is cocentric and unique, add it
if(radPrev - radCurr) > self.radius_tolerance:
concentricCombos[i][cnt] = inner

xSum[i] += inner[0][0]
ySum[i] += inner[0][1]

cnt += 1

if(cnt > maxConcentricCnt):
maxConcentricCnt = cnt
maxConcentricIndex = i

#no concentric circles
if(maxConcentricCnt < self.min_circles):
return None,None

#choose the circle set with the most concentric circles
mostConcentric = concentricCombos[maxConcentricIndex]
mostConcentric = np.resize(mostConcentric, maxConcentricCnt)

#calculate meanCenter
meanCenter = xSum[maxConcentricIndex] / maxConcentricCnt, ySum[maxConcentricIndex]/maxConcentricCnt

return mostConcentric, meanCenter

#tagAspectRatio- processes the final target and calculates the ratio between rings. returns an array of ratios
def tagAspectRatio(self,target):
size = len(target)
#ratios = np.empty((size-1)*size/2.0, float)
ratios = np.empty(size-1,float)
cnt = 0

for i in range(0,size-1):
circle1 = target[i]
circle2 = target[i+1]
radius1 = (circle1[1][0] + circle1[1][1]) /2.0
radius2 = (circle2[1][0] + circle2[1][1]) /2.0

ratio = radius2 / radius1
ratios[cnt] = round(ratio,3)
cnt += 1
return ratios

# pixels_to_angle_x - converts a number of pixels into an angle in radians
def pixels_to_angle_x(self, num_pixels):
return num_pixels * math.radians(self.cam_hfov) / 640

# get_distance_from_pixels - returns distance to balloon in meters given number of pixels in image and expected 0.5m radius
# size_in_pizels : diameter or radius of the object on the image (in pixels)
# actual_size : diameter or radius of the object in meters
def get_distance_from_pixels(self,size_in_pixels, actual_size):
# avoid divide by zero by returning 9999.9 meters for zero sized object
if (size_in_pixels == 0):
return 9999.9
# convert num_pixels to angular size
return actual_size / self.pixels_to_angle_x(size_in_pixels)

#calculateRingSize - based on ring ID number and target size, calculate the size of a specific ring
def calculateRingSize(self,ringNumber):
radius = self.outer_ring #in meters

#actualRadius Outer ring size * ratio[n] * ratios[n + 1] ...
for i in range(0,ringNumber):
radius = radius * self.target_code[i]

return radius #in meters

#calcDistToTarget - processes a target and calculates distance to the target
def calcDistToTarget(self,target, ratios):
distance = 0
readings = 0
for i in range(0,len(ratios)):
ratio = ratios[i]
for j in range(0,len(self.target_code)):

if(math.fabs(self.target_code[j] - ratio) <= self.ratio_tolerance):
circle1 = target[i] #outer ring
circle2 = target[i+1] #inner ring
radius1 = (circle1[1][0] + circle1[1][1]) /2.0
radius2 = (circle2[1][0] + circle2[1][1]) /2.0

dist1 = self.get_distance_from_pixels(radius1, self.calculateRingSize(j))
dist2 = self.get_distance_from_pixels(radius2, self.calculateRingSize(j+1))
distance += (dist1 + dist2 )/2.0

readings += 1

#can not decode target
if(readings == 0):
return -1
#average all distance readings
return distance/(readings * 1.0)

Binary file added CircleDetector.pyc
Binary file not shown.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions
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import sc_config
from sc_logger import sc_logger

class OpticalFlow(object):

def __init__(self,args):
#load config file

#get camera index
self.camera_index = int(

def name(self):
return "Optical_Flow"

def run(self):
sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, 'running {0}'.format(

Binary file added OpticalFlow.pyc
Binary file not shown.

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