A simple webpage that helps calculate how to split the cost of a meal with other people
A Mac LaunchAgent to automatically reconnect Cisco Secure Client whenever it disconnects and won't automatically reconnect itself (typically after a long sleep)
This tool will takes an application log directory and explode any YARN application aggregated log files into their original separate log files.
This tool will listen for Oozie's JMS notification messages for jobs and for SLAs
A very simple webpage countdown for M, with some specifics about how she likes it to be counted.
A simple webpage that helps me format git commit messages the way I like and to match external requirements.
An Applescript to automatically create PDFs of your AnyList Recipes
A simple mod for Cities: Skylines that allows you to enable/disable Noise, Ground, and Water pollution.
Displays set of files that were saved in Time Machine backups
Automatically exclude development dependencies from Apple Time Machine backups
Generates an Applescript app that you can put in your Finder toolbar which will open an iTerm or Terminal tab at the current directory.