Just coz I'm too lazy, I program it, to make stuff easier. This is a userbot, which is equivalent to a telegram client, and it can run on the cloud too.
Get your api-id(API_KEY in my code), API_HASH from my.telegram.org.
Please read through this before cloning. I don't want you get stuck anywhere. This guide can get you running up the userbot, if followed properly
-If you clone/fork this repo please make sure you generate a session file by running app.py on your local pc before deploying it on heroku.
- If you get errors like -->app[worker.1]: telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.AuthKeyDuplicatedError: An auth key with the same ID was already generated,
- It means your session was banned and needs to be regenerated.
Fork my repo.
Download/Clone it in your linux PC, then follow instructions on Running on linux(below), this will generate a session_name.session file, which is needed to run your bot, push this file to your git.
Connect your git to heroku.
Clone my repo: `git clone https://github.com/ritik-gupta/Telegram-UserBotPython
Install the necessary dependencies by moving to the project directory and running:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Add your API_KEY and API_HASH:
export API_HASH=your-api-hash
andexport API_KEY=your-api-id
Start the userbot:
python3 app.py
: Deletes the last typed message -
.purgeme number
: Deletes last n messages sent by you -
: Change the font to an aesthetic font. -
: CopyPasta, as in SkittlesBot -
: Google Translator, translates only to english -
: Bans a person from the group -
: Mutes a person in the group if you are an admin -
: In beta stage, needs all admin rights to work -
: Sends a random ascii emote -
: Edits the last sent message with the string in the parameter -
: Pings you -
: Sets you as AFK -
: Sets you as not AFK, and gives you brief list if who messaged you while you were away -
: Query urban dictionary -
: Query Google -
: Query Wikipedia and get a summary -
: Send a self-destructing message -
: Evaluate the given expression -
: Purge like marie -
.spam number string
: Spams the string n times -
: Execute a python command -
: Get a link to this readme -
: If your bot senses it, it will reply a funny message, try it out -
.paste string
: Sends the string to hastebin and gets the link -
.asmon n
: Turns on Anti-Spam Handler to mute a person on group for 2d, if 'n' messages exceeded -
: Turns off the Anti-Spam Handler -
.term command
: Executes a terminal command(Linux if heroku) -
: For huge spams like 1k
Clone this and try to add features to it, make pull requests to merge it ;)