I'm a dedicated learner in the field of computer science, passionate about building meaningful, innovative solutions. My journey started with mastering the fundamentals of web development and programming concepts, which laid a solid foundation for exploring advanced technologies like Java.
🌟 Portfolio: Visit My Portfolio
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Java
- 📫 Reach me at [email protected]
- ✒ Read my blogs on : Medium
A web-based platform designed to streamline student complaints and provide efficient redressal mechanisms. Built using Java, Spring Boot, MySQL, and React.js.
A dynamic recipe search application that fetches real-time recipes using an API. Developed with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Webpack.
A basic image editing tool that allows users to apply filters, crop, and adjust images. Built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Canvas API.
✨ Fun Fact: I enjoy presenting ideas in the simplest way possible, bridging the gap between technology and creativity.