A Zig wrapper for libvterm, exposing a small subset in a native Zig API.
Build with zig 0.14.0
(Just enough to build a working toy terminal emulator)
See examples/helloworld.zig
for usage.
See sdlzvterm/
for a janky terminal implementation in SDL.
// setup an 80x24 terminal
var term = try ZVTerm.init(allocator, 80, 24);
defer term.deinit();
// get a writer to send data to the terminal
var writer = term.getWriter();
// write terminal escape codes
try writer.print("\x1b[10;10HHello world", .{});
// read back the screen state for each x,y position
for (0..term.height) |y| {
for (0..term.width) |x| {
const cell = term.getCell(x, y);
// paint cell.char:u8 using cell.fg and cell.bg colours
To build and run the simple demo,
zig build helloworld
To build and run the SDL demo terminal,
cd sdlzvterm
zig build run
First we add the library as a dependency in our build.zig.zon
zig fetch --save git+https://github.com/ringtailsoftware/zvterm.git
And add it to build.zig
const zvterm_dep = b.dependency("zvterm", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("zvterm", zvterm_dep.module("zvterm"));
There's plenty to add in order to make a real terminal emulator. libvterm is capable, but the zig API needs extending to do more
- unicode
- bell
- more selective damage callbacks to know which areas of screen to redraw