Welcome to Golden Fan Shop, the ultimate online destination for stylish clothing so you can look fly like James Bond. Our online store offers a wide range of fashionable items for you to choose from, as well as the ability to compare features and styles, ask questions, and read and submit product reviews.
To install all required dependencies, open the terminal, navigate to the root folder of this repository. Then, run the following command:
npm install --force
To start the server, run the following command:
npm run server-dev
You should see the following message in the terminal: "Our server is listening on port 3000..."
To build webpack, open a new terminal tab and run the following command:
npm run react-dev
You should see the following message: "webpack compiled successfully..."
Configure your API tokens Create an .env
file. In this file, you will need to create github token: https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token Add your token with the key name AUTH_SECRET
Create a cloudinary account: https://cloudinary.com/. After creating an account, go to your dashboard, and copy your Cloudiary URL, Cloudinary Username, Cloudinary API Key, and Cloudinary API secret into the .env file. The key names should be CLOUDINARY_URL
With these steps completed, you should now be able to access the Golden Fan Shop from your local host for continued development. Thank you for choosing Golden Fan Shop!
As of the January 6, 2023 deployment and our first phase of optimization, this is our LightHouse audit report for the product URL: http://goldenfanshop.com
Richard Wang (Related Products) - CTO
Daniel Halper (Overview)- CTO
Ste'fan Trueiit (Questions & Answers) - CTO
Tony Vo (Ratings & Reviews) - CTO