The aim of this application is keeping the resources of the OpenShift cluster under control, removing the following components created after running the "Quarkus Service with ArgoCD and a Tekton Pipeline" software template:
- ArgoCd applications ("demo-name"-bootstrap)
- Namespaces ("demo-name"-dev,"demo-name"-preprod,"demo-name"-prod)
- Gitlab respositories ("demo-name","demo-name-gitops")
- Quay images
There are 3 different deployment ways:
- Local
- Container
- OpenShift
Choose your preferred installation
Make sure you have oc (CLI), Node.js and npm installed.
Install the node.js dependencies by running:
npm install express body-parser axios
These are the varaibles required:
export QUAY_URL=
export GITLAB_URL=
export GITLAB_TOKEN=glpat-Qqyt1Yf
export OCP_TOKEN=sha256~zensYev9b
node app.js
Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000/. Add demo name and click on "Remove" button.
Note: Deleting resources is a destructive operation. Please ensure you fully understand the impact and have the necessary backups before running this code in a live environment.
podman build -t node-app .
podman run -p 3000:3000 -d -e OCP_TOKEN=sha256~zensYev9b85EpaljQPRJ-Wvfo0M-T_zWvFlw -e OCP_URL= -e GITLAB_URL= -e GITLAB_TOKEN=glpat-Qqyt1YfLwNVs -e QUAY_URL= -e QUAY_TOKEN=3A4WIO0FG9390XEORPUQ9M0EYVK6 node-app
OpenShift console -> Developer view -> Add -> Container Image
Adding environment variables