b1dbed0 Ship should show human readable messages when running in headless (#289)
8fd0bc2 Merge pull request #291 from dexhorthy/ui
1e58b8a commit empty ui, update makefile for generating ignored UI
964c6ee Inject version variables at build time
6669c05 Default Overlay state to empty if no kustomize state found (#288)
3dd5481 Merge pull request #286 from dexhorthy/wds-fix
5ce2342 fix for WDS hash output
0bedb3f Merge pull request #285 from dexhorthy/gitdiff-2
b5304f6 Try to fix up hashing again to get consistent builds
6bb62bb Merge pull request #282 from dexhorthy/entrypoint/cleanup
40ecad2 fix entrypoint for navigate-lifecycle, add clean shutdown to other ship tasks
8ea29d9 Merge pull request #281 from dexhorthy/gitdiff
7f11a32 last try and then I'm disabling validation
862f2bd Merge pull request #280 from dexhorthy/diffcat
c16928a add fmt to makefile, diff | cat
ff6bfb6 Merge pull request #279 from dexhorthy/dex/gitdiff
ea9c8dd embed-ui
a1297f8 print git diff before release
18495c6 Merge pull request #277 from dexhorthy/dex/render-progress
529fa49 fix update base bug (#256)
d20377c fix test
fbafba6 bunch of cleanup, pull in IDPatcher, doing some e2e testing
d5b2419 Merge pull request #275 from laverya/rename-kubectl-kubectl-apply
aaf316e rename kubectl lifecycle step to kubectl_apply
2fffffa Fix marker creation logic (#273)
758a034 Merge pull request #274 from laverya/update-hack-docs
ca9da42 Merge pull request #270 from dexhorthy/dex/fix-progress-map
b61f94b fix concurrent access panic in progress map
b880585 Properly path patches in Kustomize overlay output (#264)
c961134 exclude config lifecycle step
f3bc1cd hide StepShared
26f156e add required message.contents
881937e Merge pull request #262 from laverya/kubectl-deploy-to-eks-in-a-box
2e04561 Merge branch 'master' into kubectl-deploy-to-eks-in-a-box
f072acc Merge pull request #263 from dexhorthy/dex/complete-render-with-progress-5
badbb62 refactor asset path generation
29f8531 Fix creation of overlay tree (#261)
48d5c67 rename AmazonElasticKubernetesService to AmazonEKS
10a59f9 Start plugging in support for executing long-running tasks via V2Router completeStep
1e53ae5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into kubectl-deploy-to-eks-in-a-box
7439600 add AmazonElasticKubernetesService template function
218776e Add overlays to filetree (#258)
7955ef9 Merge pull request #260 from dexhorthy/dex/complete-render-with-progress-4
1d0614e pull some daemon interface into StatusReceiver, to be implemented by V2 router, also replace state.ContentSHA() with state.Versioned().V1.ContentSHA
dfd7313 Ship Polish Part 1 (#247)
8c2560d Merge pull request #259 from dexhorthy/dex/complete-render-with-progress-2
1679028 add messenger mock, complete message test, start on renderer
55c00c3 Merge pull request #253 from marccampbell/watch-command
96a96f2 Properly output Kustomize overlays/base files in Ship (#255)
6a357a9 Merge pull request #251 from laverya/kubectl
5730cb2 update daemon import path to accomodate upstream changes
5f3b4fe Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into kubectl
1bbe414 Use viper flag, not const, typo in error log
2b307f0 Merge pull request #257 from dexhorthy/dex/complete-render-with-progress
4b49e11 move daemon types to package
92a1322 fix 'done' behavior, remove exec indirection
760574e Bump default timeout
7fc27f0 Add test for content sha
6a1b373 Update vendor (mholt/archiver)
59a363f Add Watch commit
a4d53f1 update mutations and schema
d597bd7 simplify kubectl templating code, add test
0e50dd8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into kubectl
ca2d77e state mockgen (#252)
1c97b50 stream state with PushStreamStep
8c62343 modify-chart ship update integration tests and headless functionality (#237)
c14ea16 Merge pull request #249 from dexhorthy/complete-step
de9206f Merge branch 'master' into complete-step
932859d Merge pull request #248 from dexhorthy/hydrate-step
06054ed Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into kubectl
47ca35f kubectl apply with basic results ui
6b4af7e dont omit flag about untrusted html
6cc50dc first pass at step completion for message and helmIntro
62ea510 starting on complete step
8106e86 some more stuff for nav
bfffd40 Allow merging of patches (#242)
50c7da0 Fix Helm integration tests (#246)
a60585d Merge pull request #245 from dexhorthy/poly-routes
3111033 split up daemon into v1/v2 routes
8d43079 Merge pull request #243 from laverya/update-terraform-integration-test
206a399 Merge pull request #244 from dexhorthy/lifecycle-buildout
7fcddb5 makefile fix, move lifecycle step interfaces out of package that imports daemon
09f6b0f use path in terraform integration test
6aa434c Improve yaml editing logic (#235)
06d471c Update directory structure for ship init command (#238)
22493fb Merge pull request #239 from laverya/use-community-not-laverya-eks-module
b45924d switch from 'laverya/eks/aws' to 'terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws'
edae7f5 ship update basic integration test and bug fixes (#234)
cb55df4 Initial go at generating patches (#230)
6376242 merge helm values (#232)
145b125 Update filesystem dependency injection (#233)
899938f Merge pull request #229 from dexhorthy/dex/kustomize-render
8d34f15 Merge pull request #231 from laverya/enable-online-aws-eks-integration-tests
530b45f enable online integration tests for the AWS EKS asset
193e9d4 Write out kustomize overlays
4d54559 Merge pull request #228 from replicatedhq/explicitly-set-integration-test-entrypoint-for-testing
2db6746 Explicitly set the entrypoint for the integration test container Other circle builds require that entrypoint to be present
773f8e7 move headed check into kustomize.go (#226)
9489648 default to headless mode (#224)
023efc1 hide ship update command and error check for chart URL (#220)
f46d45e Merge pull request #223 from laverya/move-terraform-assets-to-installer-directory
bc02f87 moved terraform assets and lifecycle step to the installer directory
67c61d1 Merge pull request #222 from dexhorthy/pct
52005b2 Merge pull request #221 from dexhorthy/makefil
5def754 fix bug with percentages
9b1c10c dont build the ui
ae4fe68 Merge pull request #219 from dexhorthy/circleci
8f437de list2
dab3ee2 separate workflows for unstable/stable
7460121 correct way to persist chart url (#218)
c7c6476 Merge pull request #217 from laverya/update-docs-generation
94d0975 make the generated docs be closer to the currently published docs
ac098b2 Merge pull request #213 from dexhorthy/kustomize-reflect
438dabd Merge pull request #216 from laverya/embed-ui-make-step-should-not-need-yarn
7e7ae0b refactor makefile so that the embed-ui step no longer requires yarn
1ce7044 Merge pull request #207 from laverya/eks-in-a-box
fb600f6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into eks-in-a-box
381dad2 update test cases to ensure they run properly
4f02c7c ship update should build a chart release (#215)
fced417 persist chart url for ship update to use later (#214)
ff9ed0f Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into eks-in-a-box
c2f207c use templates not fmt.Sprintf
e0d07c0 return saved overlays
fcb57f1 Merge pull request #208 from dexhorthy/open
3c936df Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into eks-in-a-box
6bd520d merge from master
47d2f1a store helm chart url (#212)
d7076a9 code review updates
6c3fab9 merge from master
c65927b Allow specifying a Docker registry in Docker asset destination (#199)
d378169 generated docs now include subitems
d85f059 Deprecate studio-xxx parameters (#210)
4dc45d1 git init start from scratch logic (#209)
0110b25 add eks resource to schema
315fd1a Open a web browser when ship daemon starts
38b5724 update makefile(s) to allow running 'make test' without entering 'web'
e4a3972 generate terraform for eks clusters
aa69499 ship update start (#206)
df7e670 Merge pull request #203 from marccampbell/safe-split-url
39586b6 ship default vals platform behavior (#205)
4c85a5c Update integration tests to use app command (#204)
fe6393c Update pull_request_template.md
23d7c6f Merge pull request #202 from marccampbell/move-examples
23ba316 Move fixtures out of examples
1b15d23 Handle invalid github urls on the init command
f3b4fb5 Merge pull request #201 from marccampbell/app-subcommand
ab43e5c Merge pull request #200 from marccampbell/use-github-archive
412f1ea Use GitHub archive link instead of file walking to prevent rate limit issues
3b54bfb Create app subcommand, rename kustomize command to init
a8399ff Fix error not returning from resolving chart data (#198)
8767b58 Render helm asset for kustomize (#192)
2a797c6 Merge pull request #195 from GraysonNull/master
907f6fb Merge branch 'master' of github.com:replicatedcom/ship
15e59d8 Merge pull request #197 from replicatedhq/laverya/circleci-readme-badge-fix
8390baa Fix CircleCI badge in readme
bb1fabd Merge branch 'master' of github.com:replicatedcom/ship
4028d82 Merge pull request #196 from dexhorthy/example
035a95f add rendered spinnaker template as example
0801616 Merge pull request #194 from replicatedhq/build
e8e9e7f fix errors
1fea87e better storage and lookups for file you're currently wanting to view
8cbc2d2 build ui
0045b64 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:replicatedcom/ship
5843e50 set ovelay content when files are selected, reset to overlay to what it was when the page loaded if you discard the overlay
Docker images
docker pull replicated/ship:alpha
docker pull replicated/ship:latest
docker pull replicated/ship:0
docker pull replicated/ship:0.13
docker pull replicated/ship:0.13.1