A dynamic function registry, useful for implementing processes that can be modified during their lifetime.
An example use case is the creation of fake GRPC that emulates remote servers. This is useful in development and test environments.
Add the following to your mixfile:
def deps do
{:fun_registry, github: "renderedtext/fun-registry", only: [:dev, :test]}
First, we will create a fake server that emulates a remote Calculator service:
defmodule CalculatorService do
use GRPC.Server, service: Calculator.Service
def add(req, stream) do
# instead of an implementation, we will relly on the FunRegistry
# to fetch and run a function
FunRegistry.run(__MODULE__, :add, [req, stream])
GRPC.Server.start(CalculatorService, 50051)
Let's connect to the calculator service and invoke some rpc methods:
def calculate_remotly(a, b) do
# in dev and test this is set to "localhost:50051"
# in prod we will connect to a real server
endpoint = Application.get_env(:my_app, :calculator_endpoint)
{:ok, channel} = GRPC.Server.connect(endpoint)
req = Calculator.AddRequest.new(a: 12, b: 13)
{:ok, res} = Calculator.Stub.add(req)
Now, we can use the function registry to simulate the behaviour of the remote server:
setup do
test "calculate-remotly is able to communicate with remote servers" do
# first, we will stub the behaviour of the server
FunRegistry.set!(CalculatorService, :add, fn(req, _) ->
Calculator.AddResponse.new(result: req.a + req.b)
assert calculate_remotly(1, 2) == 10
test "calculate-remotly is able to communicate with remote servers stubbed version" do
# instead of functions, we can set a stubbed response directly
FunRegistry.set!(CalculatorService, :add, Calculator.AddResponse.new(result: 10))
assert calculate_remotly(1, 2) == 10
test "calculate-remotly passes the correct data to the remote service" do
# we will store the values in an agent
{:ok, agent} = Agent.new(fn -> nil end)
# instead of functions, we can set a stubbed response directly
FunRegistry.set!(CalculatorService, :add, fun(req, _) ->
Agent.update(agent, fn state -> {req.a, req.b} end)
# execute the remote call
calculate_remotly(1, 2) == 10
# fetch the data that was received by the remote server
values = Agent.get(agent, pid, fn s -> s end)
# make sure that the remote server got the correct info
assert values == {1, 2}
test "calculate service is too slow" do
# first, we will stub the behaviour of the server
FunRegistry.set!(CalculatorService, :add, fun(_, _) ->
assert_raise fn -> calculate_remotly(1, 2) end)
test "calculate service is broken" do
# first, we will stub the behaviour of the server
FunRegistry.set!(CalculatorService, :add, fun(_, _) ->
raise "I don't feel well"
assert_raise fn -> calculate_remotly(1, 2) end)
This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.