A quick environment for accessing OpenShift v4 clusters. Nothing fancy, gets the job done.
Related tools added to image:
- Does not mount any host filesystem objects as read/write, only uses read-only mounts, except for configurable mountpoints.
- Uses ephemeral containers per cluster login, keeping seperate
configuration and credentials. - Credentials are destroyed on container exit (container has
flag set) - Displays current cluster-name, and OpenShift project (
oc project
) in bash PS1 - Ability to login to private clusters without using a browser
OCM Container also includes multiple scripts for your ease of use. For a quick overview of what is available, run list-utils
- clone this repo
(repeat until all required fields are set)./build.sh
(while this is building you can run the rest in another tab until the final command)- optional: have local aws keys (put on ${HOME}/.aws)
- optional: have local gcp keys (put on ${HOME}/.config/gcloud)
- optional: add alias in
alias ocm-container-stg="OCM_URL=stg ocm-container"
alias ocm-container-local='OCM_CONTAINER_LAUNCH_OPTS="-v ${PWD}:/root/local -w /root/local" ocm-container'
- optional: add your PagerDuty API token in
- Connect to the VPN
ocm-container {cluster-name}
Build accepts the following flags:
-h --help Show this message and exit
-t --tag Build with a specific docker tag
-x --debug Set the bash debug flag
You can also override the container build flags by separating them at the end of the command with --
. Example:
./build.sh -t local-dev -- --no-cache
With launch options:
OCM_CONTAINER_LAUNCH_OPTS="-v ~/work/myproject:/root/myproject" ocm-container
ocm-container -o "-v ~/work/myproject:/root/myproject"
Launch options provide you a way to add other volumes, add environment variables, or anything else you would need to do to run ocm-container the way you want to.
NOTE: Using the flag for launch options will then NOT use the environment variable OCM_CONTAINER_LAUNCH_OPTS
ocm-container test-cluster
$ ocm-container
[~ {production} ]$ sre-login test-cluster
Logging into cluster test-cluster
Cluster ID: 15uq6splkva07jsjwebn4890sph4vs3p8m
$ oc config current-context
We've built in functionality to simplify the cluster login steps. Now within the contianer you can run sre-login cluster-id
and it will refresh your ocm login, create a tunnel within the container if necessary, and then log-in to the cluster.
accepts both a cluster-name or a cluster-id. If the cluster-name is not unique, it will not ask which one, but display the clusters and exit.
We've recently added the ability to run a script within the container so that you can run ocm-container within a script.
Given the following shell script saved on the local machine in ~/myproject/in-container.sh
cat ~/myproject/in-container.sh
# source this so we get all of the goodness of ocm-container
source /root/.bashrc
# get the version of the cluster
oc version >> report.txt
We can run that on-container with the following script which runs on the host (~/myproject/on-host.sh):
cat ~/myproject/on-host.sh
while read -r cluster_id
echo "Cluster $cluster_id Information:" >> report.txt
ocm-container -o "-v ${HOME}/myproject/script.sh:/root/script.sh -v ${HOME}/myproject/report.txt:/root/report.txt" -e /root/script.sh $cluster_id
echo "----"
done < clusters.txt
Would loop through all clusters listed in clusters.txt
and then run oc version
on the cluster, and add the output into report.txt and then it would exit the container, and move to the next container and do the same.
If you're on a mac and you get an error similar to:
Cluster is internal. Initializing Tunnel... /root/.ssh/config: line 34: Bad configuration option: usekeychain
you might need to add something similar to the following to your ssh config:
$ cat ~/.ssh/config | head
IgnoreUnknown UseKeychain,AddKeysToAgent
Host *
UseKeychain yes
UseKeychain is a MacOS specific directive which may cause issues on the linux container that ocm-container runs within. Adding the IgnoreUnknown UseKeychain
directive tells the ssh config to ignore that directive when it's unknown so it will not throw errors.
OCM Container runs as a paired down version on new M1 macs. Work is ongoing in the arm64
branch towards this effort.
The process is mostly the same. Assuming you have podman setup, with the following mounts on the podman machine:
brew install podman
podman machine init -v ${HOME}:${HOME} -v /private:/private
podman machine start
Then, in this repo you'll want to check out the iamkirkbater/arm64
git remote add iamkirkbater [email protected]:iamkirkbater/ocm-container.git
git checkout arm64
And then build the container with the ARCH=arm64 build arg:
podman build --build-arg ARCH=arm64 -t ocm-container:latest .
and voila, you have a working OCM container.