1:1 & 1:N Windows .NET Demo for Face Recognition, Liveness Detection.
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Welcome to our Face SDK Demos repository! Here you will find demos showcasing the capabilities of our on-premise Face SDKs, including face recognition, liveness detection, and face attribute analysis. Our SDK is designed to work seamlessly on Windows Server platforms and can be integrated into various systems such as eKYC solutions.
Our Product List for ID verification.
- Face Recognition: Identify and verify individuals by comparing their facial features.
- Liveness Detection: Determine whether a face is live or spoofed to prevent fraud in authentication processes.
- Face Attribute Analysis: Extract facial attributes such as face pose, eye close and face occlusion.
- Windows System: Windows 10 or later
- CPU: 8 cores
- RAM: 8 GB
- HDD: 8 GB
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/recognito-vision/FaceRecognition-LivenessDetection-CPP-Windows.git
To build the project, please install
Visual Studio 2022
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