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Atif Aziz edited this page Oct 17, 2017 · 2 revisions


  • Installing R packages
  • Quick start
  • Build instructions


As of Sept 2013 you may access the package documentation including vignettes; in the R interpreter use the commands ?rClr or browseVignettes('rClr') to access API documentation and package vignettes.

Technical documentation


A roadmap is at the page Roadmap


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The original author has been using .NET for work since the version 1.0 beta, mostly using C#, for environmental modelling. While the Common Language Infrastructure and Microsoft software ecosystem offers plenty, some functionalities built, for instance, on Python and R, remain superior for scientific purposes. The author felt repeatedly the frustration of being unable to couple the CLR with R when needed, and having to revert to working but unsatisfactory solutions. R.NET addresses the .NET to R interperability. rClr tackles the other way.


I gratefully acknowledge Simon Knapp for "planting" the initial idea of an interop bridge between R and CLR a couple of years ago.

