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Testing and Actions

Yash Khare edited this page Nov 27, 2020 · 2 revisions

Testing and Actions

Testing 🧰

We have implemented testing for a few functions of the CLI App, namely the commit generation and branch generation features since those are the most important features. The tests have been done using jest.

To run the tests locally, use:

npm test

The tests are located in the test folder.


Actions 🎯

To ensure that the tests are run and nothing is broken for each PR we are also making use of GitHub Actions. We are using the following actions:

  • NodeJS CI: This CI is for running the npm test command to ensure the CLI App works as expected after each and every PR.

  • Synk: This action is run in order to filter out any vulnerabilities having a high concern.

  • Prettier Linter: To ensure that the code stays readable, we use Prettier to format it. The action will automatically fix any lint issues in the files changed and commit them.

  • Release Drafter: To keep track of all changes made from one release to another, we use this action. Now we just need to press the publish release button when we need to make a release and the entire changelog is maintained by the GitHub Action.

Link to the package on NPM: 🚀

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