Workrave 1.10.40
332 commits
to branch_v1_10
since this release
- When it is time to take a micro break, Workrave may start a rest break
instead. This happens when the rest break would start within 30 seconds of
the micro break. If the postpone or skip buttons are disabled on the micro
break, they will be temporarily disabled on the rest break window. A small
progress bar indicates how long the buttons are disabled. Previously,
Workrave would restart the micro break when pressing the skip or postpone
button. - Support applets on Gnome 3.35.1+ using libgnome-panel (Alberts Muktupāvels, #170).
- Show operation mode in Gnome applet.
- Added Indonesian translation (Andika Triwidada, #171).
- Fixed issue where Workrave was not properly terminated on reinstall (#176).
- Fixed focus issue on rest break window that caused muted (grey) text.