A demo mini travelling website project, built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ScrollReveal (JavaScript Library for Scroll Animation).
Clone down this repository and run in your browser or you could see this project had been deployed into vercel in travelagentku-landing-page.vercel.app.
This was a 1-week mini project built during my RevoU Fundamental Course 10-day (July 22nd - August 2nd, 2024) mini course: Software Engineering, built from July 25th until August 1st, 2024. Project goals included using technologies learned up until this point and improving my skills in Front-End Development.
One of the main challenges during the project development is Auto-Sliding Animation. This made me spend a few days to understand and implement the logic of Auto-Sliding Animation. Due to project time constraints, I had to be focused more on implementing the layout and form logic to enhance the user interface (UI).
At the end of the day, the technologies I implemented in this project are HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ScrollReveal. I choose the basic website development tools to follow the rules of the mini course assignment. In the future projects, I plan on exploring CSS and JavaScript frameworks and libraries to help me developing web projects efficiently. Recently, I've added scroll animations using ScrollReveal, a JavaScript library for easily animating elements in the website as they enter/leave the viewport.