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A flexible and up-to-date React Component Library scaffolding


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When I've created this project I was lacking good component library creators. If you need to create a component library in 2020 (and beyond) I would strongly suggest you take a look at TSDX.

This project brings all you need to create npm packages (including react components package), like build, test, lint, github pipeline, storybook and much more all out of the box.

React Component Library Generator

All you need to create your shareable React Component Library

License npm Build

Table of Content


The idea to create this project came after try to easily create a React library using create-react-library.

This one was built on top of create-react-app and grasps a lot from react-scripts and bring some templates files like package.json, rollup.config.js, babel and npm scripts already configured.

The big problem came when I've realized all their dependency is out-to-date, like using babel v6 and it didn't have an option to already have storybook. Also when I tried to install it, a lot of conflicts between versions were there.

Also, it's been using react-scripts only to get tests set up, which limits what we can do.

Then I decide to create this generator and maintain everything up-to-date and also bring some options like storybook, react-testing-library and more.


This is a generator built on top of Yeoman. Then you have to install both Yeoman and this package globally:

yarn global add yo generator-react-component-library
# Or for npm
npm install --global yo generator-react-component-library

Now, go to the root folder where you want to create your project and run:

yo react-component-library

A couple of questions will be asked in order to generate the perfect match for you.


The scaffold is using:

Dependency version
react v^16.13.x
react-dom v^16.13.x
@babel v^7.x
rollup v^2.6
jest v^25.2.1
@testing-library/react v^10.x
@storybook/* v^5.3.x

Folder Structure Explained

So basically when you generate a project using this generator you're gonna have a folder structure like this:

├── .storybook // optional
│   ├── index.css
│   ├── main.js
│   └── preview.js
├── dist
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── index.cjs.js
│   └──
├── src
│   ├── Button
│   │   ├── Button.js
│   │   ├── Button.module.css
│   │   ├── Button.stories.js // optional
│   │   ├── Button.test.js // optional
│   │   └── index.js
│   └── index.js
├── .editorconfig
├── .eslintignore
├── .eslintrc.js
├── .gitignore
├── babel.config.js
├── package.json
├── rollup.config.js
└── yarn.lock


File/dir Details
.storybook Storybook setup
dist Folder where your compiled files will live
src Folder where your components will live
src/index.js Barrel which exports all components (entry point)
.editorconfig Global editor config
.eslintrc.js Basic rules for eslint.
babel.config.js Babel setup files for both build and test environment. You can add some plugins in there
.rollup.config.js Whole build configuration

Options explained

Package Manager

This is really basic but allows you to start the project using either npm or yarn.


For tests we have only three options: jest + @testing-library/react or none.

When you select one of the test options, it'll be copied all configs in order to make it work and also a very basic example (src/Button/Button.test.js) how to test the component using the chosen library.

Also, will add 2 commands inside the package.json: test and test:watch. The first one is only to run all tests once and the second one is to reloading and running the tests on every file change.

Both options were configured using jest but the principles and config. might be almost the same. If you use another test runner you can still pick up one of the options and adapt it.


Here we're using the latest version (v5.3) from Storybook. It's configured to read all .stories files inside src.

Also, it adds 2 npm scripts:

  • storybook: Which will start it at port 6006
  • build:storybook: Which will build your storybook inside public/ folder.


Preset is a group of config (babel, webpack, addons) that support specific use cases.

TO avoid too much extra config/custom webpack, etc., I decided to use the @storybook/preset-create-react-app which (as the name already explains), uses all the config from Create React App under-the-hood.

Then it has 2 side effects:

  1. react-scripts needs to be installed;
  2. components css files, if used as css modules, needs to be suffixed with <name>.module.css (Read more here)


About addons, a couple of are been used here:

  • storybook-readme: To load markdown files (ie. for the component) and then show as documentation;
  • @storybook/addon-actions: It's a kind of event handler and you can see in a panel what event was triggered, which component and what's the payload;
  • @storybook/addon-links: Allow you to link one story to other completely different. This is a kind of "router". Otherwise, you'll refresh the page;
  • @storybook/addon-viewport: Give to you a bunch of pre-defined screen sizes and resize your story based on your selection. It's really nice to teste responsiveness;
  • @storybook/addon-a11y: This is a panel which checks your story and gives you some warnings based on a11y rules;
  • @storybook/addon-storysource: A panel to check what's the source code from your story without open it in an editor.

Story Format

The example is written in Component Story Format (CSF).

Read more here


⚠️ This functionality isn't present

To work with SASS, there are two things to keep in mind:

  1. it needs to work with storybook. Since storybook uses react-scripts, it won't be a problem.
  2. you need to add this configuration into postCSS configuration. Check the necessary steps here

What about styled-components/emotion?

Personally, I'd rather always use such libraries like these.

Since it's kinda trivial (they have pretty good documentation about this), I even didn't add here.

Always keep in mind that you need to provide extra information how to setup your library with SSR.

Also, if you need symlink your library to test locally, having libraries such styled-component will demand some extra steps (read more here). My advise is, if you need to link your library:

  1. link root level;
  2. navigate into node_modules/react and also link it;
  3. go inside your project and use both your library link and react.

The reason for that is because libraries such React are supposed to be a singleton and when linking, there will be 2 react versions in the same project.

Publishing process

It's time to do the most important thing about shared components: publish them.

Quick explanation

As I explained before, all your files will be compiled inside the dist folder.

package.json is configured to distribute your bundles in two ways:

  • ES Modules. An file will be created and it'll be available via module field into package.json.
  • CommonJS. An index.cjs.js file will be created and it'll be available via main field into package.json.

Rollup provides some description of why ES Module is better than CommonJS:

ES modules are an official standard and the clear path forward for JavaScript code structure, whereas CommonJS modules are an idiosyncratic legacy format that served as a stopgap solution before ES modules had been proposed. ES modules allow static analysis that helps with optimizations like tree-shaking, and provide advanced features like circular references and live bindings. (Rollup description)

But to be safe, we generate both and allow the platform to choose which one it wants to use.

Finally, a field files will be added into the package.json which ["dist] value. It means when you publish your package, only the following files will be published:

  • package.json
  • (and now) dist folder

Font: Npm


If your not familiar with this process, I'd recommend you this article.

But in a nutshell, you have to run yarn build, bump your package version and then yarn publish.

My suggestion is using some tool to automate this process with you, like semantic-release and combine with some CI script to automate the publish when something is committed in master branch.

You can copy the process I have for this library :)

Run locally

If you want to contribute, is quite simple.

  1. First, you have to clone the repository (this one);
  2. Install the dependencies yarn install;
  3. Install yeoman globally yarn global add yo;
  4. Link the folder into your global packages (yarn link or npm link);
  5. Now you can run yo react-component-library;

If you want to run the tests, just run yarn tests.

Questions and Comments

Feel free to open a PR if you want to contribute somehow or either ask something by using issues.


generator-react-component-library is licensed under the MIT License.