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Farse -- a parse clone

This is a proof of concept project to create a clone of the Parse backend ios sdk and web services.

The backend is modeled using Apache Solr, and a lightweight clone of the Parse iOS sdk is implemented in Objective C.

Read doc/farse.pdf for more information.

Example code:

- (IBAction)handleCreateAndSave:(id)sender {
    // create the object, giving it a "class name".
    // Using Parse, the object would be stored in a "table" with the name of the class.
    // In Solr, the object class name becomes a single field in each "document", named "className".
    // To facilitate retrieval within a single "table', queries can make use of Solr's faceted search
    // capabilities to cordon off a series of documents matching a specific "object type".
    FPObject *object = [FPObject objectWithClassName:@"GameScore"];
    // set values on the object, using string keys, which become field names in Solr
    // values can be typical primative json types, such as string, numbers, and boolean.
    object[@"score"] = @1337;
    object[@"cheatMode"] = @NO;
    object[@"playerName"] = @"Sean Plott";
    // save the object asyncronously to the solr backend
    [object saveInBackground];
    // for ease of retrieval in this demo, store the object's id into a property
    self.lastObjectId = object.objectId;
    // create another type of arbitrary object, "TopBands"
    // (with band name generated by the bandname generator of course... )
    FPObject *bandObject = [FPObject objectWithClassName:@"TopBands"];
    bandObject[@"bandName"] = @"the mud besiegers";
    bandObject[@"numberOfSongs"] = @(arc4random() % 10);
    bandObject[@"hometown"] = @"New York";
    // save the object to the server
    [bandObject saveInBackground];
    // again, for ease of query in this demo, set last object id to use in future query
    self.lastBandObjectId = bandObject.objectId;

- (IBAction)handleQuery:(id)sender {
    // find a single object using the specified object id
    FPQuery *query = [FPQuery queryWithClassName:@"GameScore"];
    [query getObjectInBackgroundWithId:self.lastObjectId block:^(FPObject *object, NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"object by id query complete %@",object);
        NSLog(@"name %@ score %@",object[@"playerName"],object[@"score"]);
    //alternatively  find all objects with field name GameScore
    [query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"multiple objects query complete: found %ld object(s)",objects.count);
        for (FPObject *o in objects) {
            NSLog(@"object: %@ - %@",o[@"playerName"],o[@"score"]);
    // now do the same query but add a "where clause"
    [query whereKey:@"playerName" equalTo:@"Sean Plott"];
    [query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"multiple objects query complete: found %ld object(s)",objects.count);
        for (FPObject *o in objects) {
            NSLog(@"object: %@ - %@",o[@"playerName"],o[@"score"]);
    // do a query against the "band" object type
    FPQuery *bandQuery = [FPQuery queryWithClassName:@"TopBands"];
    [bandQuery findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"multiple objects query complete: found %ld object(s)",objects.count);
        for (FPObject *o in objects) {
            NSLog(@"object: %@ - %@",o[@"bandName"],o[@"numberOfSongs"]);

console output: ( after running it a few times, so duplicate objects exist)

created at Thu Nov 20 01:08:04 2014
2014-11-20 01:08:04.575 FP[27629:2280275] Saved object [{"numberOfSongs":2,"id":"UDfoK5l\/AAA","className":"TopBands","bandName":"the mud besiegers","hometown":"New York","createdAt":"Thu Nov 20 01:08:04 2014"}] 
2014-11-20 01:08:04.576 FP[27629:2280275] Saved object [{"id":"EFrnK5l\/AAA","className":"GameScore","score":1337,"cheatMode":false,"playerName":"Sean Plott","createdAt":"Thu Nov 20 01:08:04 2014"}] 
2014-11-20 01:08:06.511 FP[27629:2280275] object by id query complete <FPObject: 0x7f992bd56a00>
2014-11-20 01:08:06.511 FP[27629:2280275] name (
    "Sean Plott"
) score (
2014-11-20 01:08:06.511 FP[27629:2280275] multiple objects query complete: found 4 object(s)
2014-11-20 01:08:06.511 FP[27629:2280275] object: (
    "Sean Plott"
) - (
2014-11-20 01:08:06.511 FP[27629:2280275] object: (
    "Sean Plott"
) - (
2014-11-20 01:08:06.511 FP[27629:2280275] object: (
    "Sean Plott"
) - (null)
2014-11-20 01:08:06.511 FP[27629:2280275] object: (
    "Sean Plott"
) - (
2014-11-20 01:08:06.511 FP[27629:2280275] multiple objects query complete: found 3 object(s)
2014-11-20 01:08:06.511 FP[27629:2280275] object: (
    "the mud besiegers"
) - (
2014-11-20 01:08:06.512 FP[27629:2280275] object: (
    "the mud besiegers"
) - (
2014-11-20 01:08:06.512 FP[27629:2280275] object: (
    "the mud besiegers"
) - (
2014-11-20 01:08:06.512 FP[27629:2280275] multiple objects query complete: found 4 object(s)
2014-11-20 01:08:06.512 FP[27629:2280275] object: (
    "Sean Plott"
) - (
2014-11-20 01:08:06.512 FP[27629:2280275] object: (
    "Sean Plott"
) - (
2014-11-20 01:08:06.512 FP[27629:2280275] object: (
    "Sean Plott"
) - (null)
2014-11-20 01:08:06.512 FP[27629:2280275] object: (
    "Sean Plott"
) - (


a parse clone







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